
Try ZingChart for Free

Step 1: Get the Library Your Way


The ZingChart CDN is the quickest way to get started.

Copy this code before your </body> tag:

<script src=""></script>

Package Manager

Install via NPM npm install zingchart

Step 2: Get Started in Your Environment


ZingChart is dependency free and pure JavaScript.

  1. Install via NPM
    npm install zingchart

    After downloading package locally, include the script using ES6 Modules:

    import {zingchart, ZC} from './zingchart/es6.js';
    // Modules must be imported EXPLICITLY when using es6 version
    import './zingchart/modules-es6/zingchart-pareto.min.js';

    For quickest download, use the ZingChart CDN:

    <script src=""></script>
  2. Add your chart element wrapper
    <div id="myChart"></div>
  3. Include the library in your HTML document and then render your chart!
    <!-- Just before the closing body tag is best -->
    <script src=""></script>
        id: 'myChart',
        data: {
          type: 'line',
          series: [
            { values: [54,23,34,23,43] },
            { values: [10,15,16,20,40] }

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Quickly create dynamic JavaScript charts with ZingChart and React.

  1. Install via NPM
    npm install zingchart-react
  2. Include zingchart lib and the component
    import 'zingchart/es6';
    import ZingChart from 'zingchart-react';
    class App extends Component { ... }
  3. Build a chart configuration
    class App extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
          config: {
            type: 'bar',
            series: [{
              values: [4,5,3,4,5,3,5,4,11]
      } ...
  4. Create and render your chart
    class App extends Component {
    render() {
      return (
          <ZingChart data={this.state.config}/>

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ZingChart's Angular wrapper helps you create JavaScript charts with two-way data binding.

  1. Install via NPM
    npm install zingchart-angular
  2. Include the module in your module declaration file
    import { ZingchartAngularModule } from 'zingchart-angular';
    imports: [
  3. Define your chart configuration in your component
    config:zingchart.graphset = {
    type: 'line',
    series: [{
      values: [3,6,4,6,4,6,4,6]
  4. Add your component to the markup
    <zingchart-angular [config]="config" [height]="500"></zingchart-angular>

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Easily add charts in your Vue application with our component.

  1. Install via NPM
    npm install zingchart-vue
  2. Register the component and include zingchart in your app
    import 'zingchart/es6';
    import Vue from 'vue';
    import zingchartVue from 'zingchart-vue';
    Vue.component('zingchart', zingchartVue);
  3. Add the component to your markup
    <zingchart :data="myConfig" :height="300" :width="600"/>
  4. Define your chart configuration in your app
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          type: 'line',
          series: [{
            values: [43,23,54,54,39,47,38,59,39,49]

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Web Component

Easily add charts in your application with our web component.

  1. Install via NPM
    npm install zingchart-web-component
  2. Import the generic zingchart component
    import ZingChart from 'zingchart-web-component';
    customElements.define('zing-chart', ZingChart);
    OR Manually import each chart and register it as a web component
    import {Line} from 'zingchart-web-component/charts/ZCLine.js';
    customElements.define('zc-line', Line);
  3. Add the component to your markup
      data='{"type": "line", "series": {["values": 1,2,3,4,5,6,4]}}'>
    Or While everything can be configured via the data property, you can also fully configure ZingChart via child components
      <zc-legend draggable></zc-legend>
        <zc-series-0 values="[3,4,3,2,4,3,3]"></zc-series-0>

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ZingChart's AngularJS wrapper helps you create JavaScript charts with two-way data binding.

  1. Install via NPM
    npm install zingchart-angularjs
  2. Inject the directive into your application
    angular.module('myApp', ['zingchart-angularjs']);
  3. Configure your chart through a scope variable
    $scope.myJson = {
      type: 'line',
      series: [
        { values: [54,23,34,23,43] },
        { values: [10,15,16,20,40] }
  4. Insert the ZingChart-AngularJS directive into your application
    <zingchart id="myChart" data-zc-json="myJson" data-zc-height=500 data-zc-width=600></zingchart>

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Create interactive JavaScript charts all in PHP with ZingChart's PHP wrapper.

  1. Install via Composer
    composer require zingchart/php_wrapper
  2. Include the library
    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php;
  3. Render your chart
    $zc = new ZC("myChart");

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Easily create and modify JavaScript charts with ZingChart's jQuery wrapper.

  1. Include jQuery, ZingChart, and the jQuery wrapper
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  2. Create a <div> with an ID
    <div id="myChart"></div>
  3. Create your chart inside the $(document).ready() function
    $(document).ready(function() {
        data: {
          type: 'line',
          series: [{ values: [1,2,5,3,9,4] }]

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Quickly create dynamic JavaScript charts with ZingChart and Svelte.

  1. Install via NPM
    npm install zingchart-svelte
  2. Include zingchart lib and the component
    import 'zingchart/es6';
    import ZingChart from 'zingchart-svelte';
  3. Build a chart configuration
    const config = {
      type: 'bar',
      series: [
        { values: [4,5,3,4,5,3,5,4,11] }
  4. Add your component to the markup
    <ZingChart data={config} />

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