Error Bars
Chart error bars are used on a chart or graph to indicate error or uncertainty about one or more data points. They can represent information such as standard errors, confidence intervals, standard deviation, and more. In ZingChart, the error bar values are specified in an errors
array. The error bars can then be styled inside an error
object, and the values can be displayed by using tokens with the tooltips, crosshairs, or value boxes.
Errors Array
Use the errors
array to specify the error bar values. The number of error bars should match the number of node values it is being applied to. Create an array for each error bar, where you can provide one (both upper and lower) or two (upper and lower, respectively) values. The below code block illustrates the different ways the error bar values can be formatted (numbers, percentages, null values).
errors: [
[ '3%', '4%' ],
[ '5%' ],
[ '1.2%',null],
Plot Object
For global application, place the errors
array inside the plot
object. This placement is best when you have a single dataset or want the same error bar values to be applied across multiple datasets.
Note: Use the hover-state
objects in the error
and plot
objects to turn off the hover visibility of the error bars and nodes, respectively.
type: 'bar',
plot: {
errors: [
error: {
hoverState: {
visible: false
hoverState: {
visible: false
series: [
values: [34,95,25,15,28,55,59,13,14]
Series Objects
For local application, place the errors
array inside the applicable series
object(s). This placement is best when you have multiple datasets and want unique error bar values assigned to each data point, or node.

type: 'scatter',
plot: {
error: {
series: [
values: [
errors: [
values: [
errors: [
values: [
errors: [
Error Bar Styling
Use the error
object in the plot/series object(s) to style the error bars. You can specify the error bar size, customize the line color/width/style, and more. Refer to the Error Bar JSON Attributes/Syntax page for a full list of styling attributes.
In the below line chart, the error bars were styled to decrease the size and customize the line color and width.

type: 'line',
plot: {
errors: [
error: {
size: '7px',
lineColor: '#cc0000',
lineWidth: '1px',
alpha: 0.7
lineColor: '#000080',
lineWidth: '1px',
marker: {
size: 3,
backgroundColor: '#000080',
borderColor: '#cc0000'
scaleY: {
guide: {
lineStyle: 'dotted'
series: [
values: [35,42,67,89,25,34,67,85,30,33,34,95]
In the below area chart, the sizing and line styling of the error bars was adjusted.

type: 'area',
plot: {
error: {
size: '15px',
lineWidth: '1px',
lineSegmentSize: 3,
lineGapSize: 3
aspect: 'spline',
stacked: true,
alphaArea: 0.7,
marker: {
type: 'square',
size: 3,
backgroundColor: 'black',
borderColor: 'none'
scaleX: {
offsetStart: '15px',
offsetEnd: '15px'
scaleY: {
values: '0:200:25',
guide: {
lineStyle: 'solid'
series: [
values: [15,34,15,16,31,35,59,121],
lineColor: '#006600',
backgroundColor: '#006600',
errors: [
values: [30,34,35,61,91,35,35,59],
lineColor: '#00b300',
backgroundColor: '#00b300',
errors: [
Error Bar Labeling
You may want to display the error bar values, whether it is through labels that appear when users hover over the data points (tooltips or crosshairs) or fixed labels that appear on the actual chart (value boxes).
The following tokens can be used to display the error bar values. They can be combined with other tokens (see our ZingChart Tokens Tutorial for a comprehensive list) and used with tooltips, crosshairs, and value boxes.
Token | Description |
%node-error-minus | The value of the negative error. |
%node-error-plus | The value of the positive error. |
In the below scatter plot, the error bar values appear in the tooltips. For more on tooltip customization and styling, read the Tooltips Tutorial.

type: 'scatter',
plot: {
tooltip: {
text: '%v<br>+%node-error-plus/-%node-error-minus',
fontColor: '#003300',
fontFamily: 'Georgia',
backgroundColor: 'white',
borderColor: '#003300',
borderWidth: '1px',
borderRadius: '5px',
alpha: 0.5,
padding: '5%',
callout: true
errors: [
error: {
size: '10px',
lineColor: '#003300',
lineWidth: '1px',
lineStyle: 'dotted'
marker: {
size: 3,
backgroundColor: '#009900',
borderWidth: '1px',
borderColor: '#ff33cc'
hoverMarker: {
visible: false
scaleX: {
guide: {
visible: false
scaleY: {
guide: {
lineStyle: 'solid',
series: [
values: [
In the below line chart, the error bar values appear in the crosshairs. For more on crosshair customization and styling, read the Crosshairs Tutorial.

type: 'line',
crosshairX: {
plotLabel: {
text: '%v<br>+%node-error-plus/-%node-error-minus',
textAlign: 'center',
fontColor: '#660066',
fontFamily: 'Georgia',
backgroundColor: '#ffe6f0',
alpha: 0.7,
borderColor: 'none',
borderRadius: '5px',
padding: '10%',
scaleLabel: {
text: '%v',
transform: {
type: 'date',
all: '%M %d, %Y<br>%g:%i %a'
fontFamily: 'Georgia'
plot: {
errors: [
error: {
size: '10px',
lineColor: '#660066',
lineStyle: 'dashed'
tooltip: {
visible: false
aspect: 'spline',
styles: [ '#ff0066', '#ff4d94', '#ff80b3', '#ffcce0', '#b3ffff', '#00b3b3', '#008080', '#004d4d' ],
marker: {
visible: false
scaleX: {
minValue: '1459515600000',
maxValue: '1459558800000',
transform: {
type: 'date',
all: '%g:%i %a'
maxItems: 6
utc: true,
timezone: -5, //EST time
scaleY: {
guide: {
lineStyle: 'solid'
series: [
values: [
Value Boxes
In the below bar chart, the error bar values are displayed in the value boxes. For more on value box customization and styling, read the Value Box Tutorial.

type: 'bar',
plot: {
valueBox: {
text: '%v<br>±%node-error-plus',
fontFamily: 'Times New Roman',
fontColor: 'black',
fontWeight: 'normal',
fontSize: 12,
placement: 'top',
offsetY: '-20px',
errors: [
error: {
lineColor: '#00aaff',
lineWidth: '1px',
hoverState: {
visible: false
barSpace: 0,
barsSpaceLeft: '20%',
barsSpaceRight: '20%',
hoverState: {
visible: false
scaleY: {
values: '0:80:20',
guide: {
lineStyle: 'dotted'
series: [
values: [35,40,59,65,33],
backgroundColor: '#003344'
values: [30,31,50,55,29],
backgroundColor: '#005c99'
Have questions about how error bars work? We're happy to help! Email or start a chat right here on this page for support.