• Getting Started

  • Data

  • Chart Types

  • Chart Elements

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  • Anatomy of a Chart

    ZingChart uses specific syntax and naming for each of the chart elements. Interact with the chart below for detailed information on how chart elements are named and used.

    Feature Description
    Context Menu A customizable menu that appears when you right click on the chart.
    Crosshair A line that appears when you hover over the chart. Can have plot labels (a label over the node at the index where you are hovering) and scale labels (a label where the crosshair line intersects the corresponding scale).
    Graphset A container that holds one or more charts.
    Labels A text box that can be placed anywhere on the chart.
    Legend The chart key; lists the different data series within the chart.
    Marker A line or overlaid area of the chart to call attention to certain data points or values.
    Plot The set of all data points across all series.
    Preview When zoom is enabled, you can enable a preview box that appears below the chart that allows users to preview what the full chart looks like, and control the zoom using handles.
    Scales Also known as axes, these are the x/y lines that denote the chart values.
    Series An individual set of data points.
    Source A text box in the lower corner of the chart to denote the data source.
    Subtitle A text box beneath the title.
    Title A text box at the top of the chart to place the chart title in.
    Tooltip A text box that appears when you hover over a marker/node.
    Value Box A text box that displays the value of a marker/node that appears at all times, not just on hover.

    Moving Forward

    You should now understand the basics of ZingChart syntax. Next, check out our data basics tutorial to learn more about importing data dynamically to your charts.