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  • Chart Internationalization

    As a well designed JavaScript charting library, ZingChart supports multiple language character sets (internationalization) right out of the box.


    If you want to translate text on the chart, you can do using a locale file that follows our schema.


    The first step to internationalization is setting up a locale file.

    Note: The schema for locale file lives on our GitHub page.

    let locale = {
        'rtl' : false,
        'decimals-separator' : '.',
        'thousands-separator' : '',
        'menu-reload' : 'Refrescar',
        'menu-print' : 'Imprimir graphíco',
        'menu-viewaspng' : 'Mostrar Cómo PNG',
      // assign locale file to ZingChart object
      zingchart.i18n.es = locale;
      // full ZingChart schema can be found here:
      // https://www.zingchart.com/api/json-configuration/
      let chartConfig = {
        type: 'bar',
      	locale: 'es', // assign locale to chart


    A subset of internationalization is time zones. We allow the setting of time zones through two attributes: utc and timezone. Setting utc:true will allow you to set your UTC offset with the timezone attribute. If your UTC offset is +9, the configuration would like like this:

    let chartConfig = {
      type: 'bar',
      utc: true,
      timezone: 9,


    The locale render method option lets you change the labels used for various elements of a chart, including the context-menu and the bug reporter menu. This can really improve usability and make your charts feel really localized.

    Don't forget, a comprehensive list of available attributes and objects can be found on our JSON Syntax page.