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  • Violin Chart

    Note: See our Violin Chart Gallery for inspiration on all the different violin chart possibilities.

    Violin Chart Type

    ZingChart violin charts (aka jitter charts) use the type="scatter" attribute. In your chart object, add an options: { violin: {} } object to enable the violin plugin.

    	type: 'scatter',
    	options: {
    		violin: {} // will initiate the plugin


    Violin charts use the same data format as a scatter chart. To enter data into the chart, use the series array. Each object in the series array requires a values array to function properly. This is where you'll specify your data as x- and y-axis values.

    Note: Learn more about the series array with our series JSON Configuration page.

    	series: [
    			values: [
    				[1,9], //[x-value, y-value]

    Chart-Specific Properties

    Enhance and modify how the violin chart looks with a violin object inside an options object.

    The following demo illustrates the different options available for the violin chart modifications discussed below:



    Adjust the trim on the violin chart with the trim attribute. This will change whether the tip and base of the chart appears pointed or flat. Provide a value of 0 for true (default) or 1 for false.

    options: {
    	violin: {
    		trim: 0, // true | false


    Adjust the jitter on the violin chart with the jitter attribute. This will affect the width and spacing of the shaded region. Enter a numeric value.

    options: {
    	violin: {
    		jitter: 1.25,

    Rounding Factor

    Adjust the rounding factor on the violin chart edges with the roundingFactor attribute. Enter a numeric value.

    options: {
    	violin: {
    		roundingFactor: 1,

    Mean Factor

    Adjust the mean factor on the violin chart with the meanFactor attribute. This affects the overall shape of the chart. Enter a numeric value.

    options: {
    	violin: {
    		meanFactor: 2,


    Use the style object inside the violin object to style the shaded region of the violin charts.

    options: {
    	violin: {
    		// general styling
    		style: {
    			backgroundColor: '#ff9900',
    			alpha  : 1,
    			lineWidth  : 1

    Styling can also be applied locally to individual series objects.

    series: [
    		text: 'Sample A',
    		// specific styling
    		violin: {
    			backgroundColor: '#900',
    			alpha: 1,
    			alphaArea: 0.2,
    			lineWidth: 3,
    			lineColor: '#090'
    		values: [...]