• Getting Started

  • Data

  • Chart Types

  • Chart Elements

  • Integrations

  • API

  • Tools

  • FAQ

  • Change Log

  • Change Log

    v2.9.15 09/10/2024


    • Added accessibility support for keyboard navigation and speech support

    Bug Fixes

    v2.9.14 06/10/2024


    Bug Fixes

    v2.9.13 12/04/2023


    Bug Fixes

    v2.9.12 07/28/2023

    Bug Fixes

    Resize bug in SVG rendering mode

    v2.9.11 06/08/2023


    • Various optimizations on range charts

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixes bug with placement of gauge labels

    v2.9.10 10/18/2022

    Release Information


    Bug Fixes

    v2.9.9 03/16/2022


    • Added export-format attribute under scaleX > transform which controls timestamp formatting on data exports
    • Extended number of scales up to 200
    • Shapes with labels will display tooltips also when placing the mouse over the label

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with error bars not being cleared when toggling visibility on animated plots
    • Fixed issues with preview/zoom being out of sync on vbar charts.
    • Fixed issues with tooltips on sunburst chart
    • Fixed visual artifacts on range charts
    • Removed legend feature from sunburst charts

    v2.9.8 12/13/2021


    • [ch15928] Added support for number formatting attributes in rules
    • [ch15929] Added support for custom dataXXX tokens on chord
    • [ch16272] Added support for custom tilemaps via zingchart.plugins.tilemap[NAME] constructs
    • [ch16273] Updated node dragging plugin with logic for radar/vline/varea charts

    Bug Fixes

    • Firing node_mouseup event when dragging ends.
    • Fixed bug in specific scenarios when free form tool will not default to the lasso tool.
    • Fixed issue with background patterns not being displayed on animated items.
    • Fixed issue with chart export as image (in SVG render) not working in Safari
    • Fixed issue with vrange plots not working in hmixed charts
    • [ch16329] Fixed issue with plotarea margins after zoom

    v2.9.7 09/21/2021


    • Added "groupbox" attribute on treemaps for styling group boxes
    • Implemented rules for selectedMarker objects

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed data export issue
    • Fixed issue with barmaxwidth attribute on multiple series
    • Fixed issue with color palette on sunburst charts (nodeJS version)
    • Fixed issue with node/plot events being fired twice on mobile devices
    • Various fixes on tree module

    v2.9.6 06/23/2021


    • Added sizefactor option on sunburst chart which controls the size factor for the entire sunburst (relative to the maximum size which is given by the plotarea boundaries)

    Bug Fixes

    • Automatically switching area with null values and spline aspect to mode:normal to obtain correct rendering
    • Fixed data export issue
    • Fixed issue with main box sizing on NodeJS environment
    • Fixed issue with crosshair plot labels in specific instances when exact is set to true
    • Fixed issues occuring when chart is being resized while using zoom/scroll/preview components
    • Fixed multiple issues with the Heatmap plugin heatmaps are now being resized on chart resize heatmaps can now be included in a multigraph graphset

    v2.9.5 06/11/2021

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with combination of highlightPlot:true and reverseSeries:true on legend
    • Fixed sunburst issues in NodeJS build
    • Added destroy method to NodeJS build
    • Fixed autofit: true on multiple scales

    v2.9.4 05/13/2021


    • Added getallobjects API
    • Added "theme" and "themeurl" parameters for PhantomJS build, to allow custom themes
    • Added treemap.addNode, treemap.removeNode, treemap.updateNode APIs
    • Added "widths" attribute (array of numbers) under options object for customizing the width of each sunburst level
    • Shared legends now highlight also related plots on all linked graphs.
    • Vertical/horizontal scale markers can accept tooltip information.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed Cyprus entry in world countries map
    • Scale logic & visual output updates.
    • Added compatibility with 2.x versions of the canvas module (nodeJS)

    v2.9.3 03/15/2021


    • Malta map added to world-countries map
    • Added legend to the list of objects which can be queried using getobjectinfo
    • Added adjustFontSize as option to option->style->label on maps.

    Bug Fixes

    • Visual updates on boxes borderTop/Right/Bottom/Left
    • Added ability to set inline js-rule functions
    • Max value on X Log scales can now be forced.
    • Fixed issue with pattern output on NodeJS environment
    • Fixed issue with GeoJSON parsing

    v2.9.2 11/17/2020


    • Rankflow charts now allow null values
    • New Malta map

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed inconsistent number of elements being displayed on scrolling an HBar chart
    • Fixed issues with null values on pie charts
    • Fixed issues with valueBox style & appearance on fast mode line/area plots
    • Fixed sizing issues on preview bubble markers
    • Fixed zooming on maps when multiple maps are placed on same page

    New Documentation

    v2.9.2-0 08/28/2020

    Notable Fixes

    • Map fix with redundant id's
    • Map fix with zoom/scroll in graphset

    v2.9.1 07/23/2020


    • Added markersOnTop attribute for plot/series items (true by default). Setting it to false will cause the plot markers to be obscured by the subsequent plots instead of always being on the top layer.
    • Improved default formatting of crosshair scaleLabel objects.
    • Implemented listener for double tap event on mobile devices (however, the event will be triggered as dblclick, shape_dblclick, label_dblclick)
    • Added %plot-N-value tokens for use in rules, tooltips, valueBox objects.
    • Added minValue and maxValue options for Treemaps (filters applicable for leaf nodes)
    • Add support for irregular [k,v] format in radar charts (also [k, v1, v2] for range aspect)
    • Improved minor ticks/items display logic on logarithmic X scales.
    • Extended Selection Tool's set of features and functionalities:
      1. Added a poly free form tool as an alternative to the lasso tool (both activated by SHIFT key). Setting is controlled via selectionTool > freeFormType (poly | lasso)
      2. Added visual cursor to improve UX. Aspect is controlled via selectionTool > cursor.
    • Added %previous-node-value and %next-node-value as available tokens to use on rules, tooltips, valueBox objects.
    • Added stepMultiplier option for scales for better control of items display interval.
    • Implemented preview object for inverted charts (HBAR, VLINE, VAREA)
    • Tree updates:
      1. Implemented separated tokens for %value (accumulated) and %node-value
      2. Implemented number formatting options

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix issue with sequence call of removeplot APIs.
    • Fixed bug with calculated maximum value on datetime scale.
    • Fixed issue with log scale label "1" being placed in a wrong position.
    • Fixed issue with negative values in TreeMaps crashing the charts. Negative values will be set to 0.
    • Fixed issue with spline charts slowing the browser in specific scenarios.
    • Increased the minimum width of whisker nodes on stock charts to 4px.
    • Fixed bug with calculated maximum value on datetime scale.
    • Fixed bug with selection getting corrupted after adding/removing plots.
    • Fixed issues with plot highlighting when using legendItem > order attributes.

    v2.9.0 04/20/2020


    • jsRule attribute can now be applied on main crosshairX and crosshairY objects, allowing crosshair line customization. This feature will allow you more flexible styling of crosshairs based on chart values. Like hiding the crosshair if the value is null

    Crosshair Y

    • Custom data tokens can now be added on dynamic labels using %plot-IDX-data-customname constructs. This is good to display plot information in a static label.

    Custom Token

    • Implemented display logic for overlapping scaleX crosshair items (alpha applied on obscured elements).
    • plot_click event information includes now plottext attribute.

    New Documentation

    • New gallery layout with search and filters by: chart type, features and use cases


    Notable Fixes

    • Added plotid as parameter for select and deselect API's.
    • Fixed issue with bubble pack labels.
    • Tilemap plugin fixes
    • Fixed positioning issues.
    • Fixed ability to use multiple tilemaps in same graphset.
    • Fixed issue when zooming range chart with spline aspect.
    • Fixed issue with maps flipping when negative zoom is applied.
    • Fixed formatting issues on value-box objects.
    • Added support for custom data-xxx tokens in sunburst charts.
    • Fixed navigation reset on sunburst when the chart is deleted and reloaded with a different data.
    • Fixed bug with timestamp formatting on data table view and data export when timezone parameter is used.
    • Fixed issue with sorting crosshair plots by value when using "sort-by-value" : "asc" | "desc" attribute.
    • Fixed issue with objects API not working when applied directly on map elements.
    • Fixed broken scrolling logic on charts with y-axis scrolling

    v2.8.9 03/05/2020

    Notable Fixes

    • Updates to zoom related events
      • added ev parameter which holds the event object
      • added beforezoom event which can completely stop zooming operation if event handler returns false
    • Fixes issue with scrolling legend not properly displaying markers and text items
    • Fixes issue affecting vector chart plugin
    • Fixes issue with selection tool throwing errors on null nodes
    • Fixes issue with value boxes not appearing on line3d and area3d charts
    • Fixes issues related to log scales allowing overlapping items
    • Fixed sorting of legend items using 'order' attribute
    • Fixed formatting on %pietotalvalue token
    • Fixed issues with bad parsing of < and > tokens

    v2.8.8 11/18/2019


    • New Chart Type: Violin Charts

    • New Chart Type: Flame Charts

    • Added item > highlightstate and marker > highlightstate on legend

    • Extended boxplot format of data to [key, min, lowerq, med, upperq, max] format: demo here

    New Documentation

    Notable Fixes

    • Added legend_mouseover and legend_mouseout events
    • Added option to set license information to zingchart namespace with `zingchart.
    • BoxPlot updates:
      • Fixed issue with attributes from series items not being transferred to boxplot series
    • Data export updates: Fixed issue with datetime values in HTML table ignoring utc and timezone parameters
    • Added data_export event which fires for every value being exported and allows for optional preformatting
    • Added more flexibility to range plots in mixed chart context
    • BubblePie charts work now when placed in a multichart graphset
    • Cleared WorldCountries map removed specific @EUROPE filters for NOR and ISL. RUS@EUROPE and RUS@ASIA will however stay as a different tokens due to geographic specificity
    • Fixed sorting of plots via legend
    • Fixed bug with chart auto layout when browsing legend pages
    • Fixed issue with ring charts loaded via custom build
    • Fixed problem with custom builds (created via build generator) failing to render ring charts.
    • Fixed issue with shadow not being rendered in specific cases
    • Fixed issues with global 'mouseout' event
    • Fixed issues with legend items text setup
    • Fixed issues with scale string labels being treated as numbers
    • Fixed issues with selection not being reset in specific cases
    • Fixed maps blocking page scroll (via mouse wheel). Page scroll is no longer blocked by map charts. In case scrolling on maps is enabled, use the ALT key to force page scroll instead of map zooming.
    • Renamed conflicting API's. Renamed object related 'getobjectinfo' API to 'getlabelinfo' and 'getshapeinfo' to prevent name conflict with the generic 'getobjectinfo' API
    • Added Math.log10() polyfill for IE

    v2.8.7 08/08/2019


    autoFit: [false,true] will allow for autofiting the scales on [min,max] values to be set individually. autoFit: true will default to [true,true].

    es6 export/import version of the library. Allows for import of the library through script modules with import zingchart from 'zingchart/es6';

    After download from npm you can import ZingChart with the following:

    import {zingchart, ZC} from 'zingchart/es6';
    import {pareto} from 'zingchart/modules-es6/zingchart-pareto.min.js';

    New Documentation

    - Site docs on getting started
    - API Events
    - API Methods

    Notable Fixes

    - Fixed CSV download for time-series returning false values.
    - Fixed issue with custom tooltip tokens.
    - Fixed <`%scale-key-text` returning wrong value.
    - Fixed commenting scaleX object label causing error in CSV excel spreadsheet.
    - Fixed complications between autofit and valueboxes.
    - Fixed edge case where legend was overlapping charts.
    - Fixed null value in bullet charts still showing up.
    - Fixed issue with collapse:true on legends without minimize:true.
    - Fixed 'zoom-to-values' not working in scaleX.
    - Fixed missing ticks in Chord diagrams.
    - Fixed ghost value boxes appearing in select zoom circumstances.
    - Fixed scale angling bug with 3D bar charts.
    - Fixed setseriesvalues API bug with plotindex parameter
    - Fixed setguide API method on mobile
    - Fixed chord diagram missing ticks
    - Fixed `collapse:true` breaking legend
    - Fixed null values on bullet charts
    - Fixed shared legend on population pyramids
    - Fixed `border: 'alpha'` not showing up with animations

    v2.8.6 03/07/2019

    New Features

    - Heatmap Plugin - standalone or integrated with various existing chart types.
    - Heatmap over XY chart. Demo
    - Heatmap over Radar chart. Demo
    - Heatmap over geographic maps, static. Demo
    - Heatmap over geographic maps, live. Demo
    - Heatmap configured as scatter chart with 1M nodes. Demo
    - Standalone Heatmap set up to mimic the Game of Life. Demo
    - Various performance related updates.
    - Added logarithmic progression on treemaps.

    Bug Fixes

    - Fixed label positioning issues on maps.
    - Fixed inconsistent zoom levels when scrolling charts.
    - Various minor fixes.

    v2.1.4 09/17/2015

    New Features

    - Added “overflow”:”scroll” to legend and added “highlight-legend”:true | false to plot
    - Various maps updates.
    - Added “week”, “month” and “year” step sizes on time series scales
    - Fixed shared crosshair on YX charts
    - Fixed scrolling on YX charts
    - Improvements on piano (heat map), added rules for value-box elements to be able to style the node and the value-box independently
    - Bubble charts now accept negative values. The absolute value is
      used. A rule to differentiate positive from negative values is recommended
    - plotarea -> mask-tolerance now accepts an array of 2 values, [(normal layer tolerance in pixels), (hover layer tolerance in pixels)] values, allowing objects/nodes which go outside the plotarea to still be visible

    Bug Fixes

    - Fixed multiple value-box objects on pie and pie3d charts charts
    - Fixed style conflicts when existing page style has a title attribute
    - Fixed html-mode tooltips when rendering in canvas
    - Math fixes when dealing with very small numbers
    - Fixes on guide lines on opposite scales
    - Pixel overlap fix on histogram charts
    - Preview box now inherits the bg style of the plotarea

    v2.1.3 07/24/2015

    - Added crosshair objects to YX charts (hbar, vline, varea, etc…)
    - Normal and inversed scales now match 1:1
    - Fixes on zoom, scroll, and scroll bars
    - Fixed setLineDash problems in canvas
    - New toolbar3D and dragging modules
    - MODULESDIR path now defaults to directory where library lives, instead of current domain
    - Luminance detection for ZingChart watermark
    - Legend alignment fixes
    - Error bar fixes for negative value nodes, as well as line and area charts
    - Transform > item is no longer visible by default
    - Fixed issue where scale labels would be painted twice
    - Fixes on refresh module
    - Updates on piano nodes to allow for inactive nodes
    - Gauge charts now allow multiple scales
    - %pie-total-value token added for pie charts
    - Calendar module
    - locktooltip/unlocktooltip API methods added
    - Maps now scale by default
    - Fixed errors in crosshairs on charts having null values in secondary series
    - Fixed markers not appearing on secondary series when labels are grouped
    - Fixed opacity issues on radar charts
    - Changed default chart dimensions to 640x480
    - Updated defineModule() method to require return value from module definition function
      *Improved scale type detection on mixed charts
    - Various bug fixes

    v2.1.2 07/08/2015

    - Changed labeling for South Sudan from "SDS" to "SSD" in the "world-countries" map module.
    - Added "placement": "horizontal" | "vertical" on tooltips
    - Fixes for the chord module
    - Fixes on canvas 3D charts
    - Added labels on zoom boxes
    - Improved placement of pie value-box elements
    - Fixes on pie3D active area regions

    v2.1.1 06/05/2015

    - Fixed hover-state on shape when “type”:”rect”
    - Alpha on tooltip now only adjusts background transparency
    - Added adjust-layout to “preview” object
    - Fixed issue that would cause shapes to render improperly when switching shape type using setdata
    - On shapes, “y”:1 will now place the shape at 1, instead of at “100%”.
    - Added active-area to area charts.
    - Set a minimum of 2 ticks on scales to prevent crashing
    - Fixed an issue with the “zoom-to” method, and consequently, the “View All” context menu option.
    - Fixed an issue with missing fills in 3d stacked area charts
    - Fixed several issues with stacked bar charts.
    - Added “type”:”ring” as an alias for the ring style pie chart
    - On legend, if “draggable” is set, the default drag handler is now the header.
    - On legend, if "draggable" is set, the move icon appears over the draggable region
    - Added "highlight-plot": true to the "legend" item.  This is an alias to "highlight": true under plot.
    - Changed the default tooltip border to match the plot color.  Border still does not appear by default and must have the width set.
    - Changed the alpha on legend, tooltip, and preview to not apply to the text or the border. The one exception is if alpha is set to 0 on legend and border-alpha is not set, border-alpha is set to 0.
    - Added border-alpha to set the alpha of border.
    - Added align:  right|center|left and vertical-align: top|middle|bottom to the legend object.

    v2.8.5 01/28/2019

    New Features

    - New OrgCharts.
    - Introduced ability to hide specific goals for bubble charts. Demo
    - Reduced the limits of zoom to minimum 2 scale steps and 10x10 pixels. Demo
    - Allow pagescroll mobile context menu item to be disabled.
    - Standard behaviors can be overridden by gui settings set for each graph.
    - Mobile touch scroll zooming will now scroll on nodes.

    Bug Fixes

    - Fixed alpha attribute for type poly objects.
    - Fixed bug where legend and view source were blocking scrollbar in certain areas.
    - Fixed download XLS option giving corrupted file warning in certain excel versions.
    - Fixed double data tables edge case.
    - Fixed Venn Diagram tooltip issues.
    - Fixed zoom bug breaking specific charts.

    Follow @ZingChart on Twitter and https://codepen.io/collection/DKmrrG/ for demos.

    v2.8.4 12/11/2018

    New Features

    - Tree module (hierarchy trees and force directed graphs)
    Stylized tree chart with multi-colored nodes
    - BubbleLegend module
    Stylized BubbleLegend chart
    - Built-in logic for choropleth maps
    - ColorScale module
    - Ability to customize container for DataTable view

    Bug Fixes

    - fixed issue with chart failing to load on 100% stacked areas with no data
    - fixed visual issues with bullet stacked charts
    - fixed visual issues with gauge charts
    - fixed issues with DataTable view in full screen mode
    - fixed associations on multiple scales sharing string values
    - fixed tooltip positioning via API
    - fixed minor bug related to secondary scales zooming
    - applied minor tweaks on 3dline and 3darea charts

    Follow @ZingChart on Twitter and https://codepen.io/collection/DKmrrG/ for demos.

    v2.8.3 10/25/2018

    New Features

    - New DepthChart plugin. Demo
    - New BubblePack plugin. Demo1 Demo2 Demo3
    - New pieTransform options for pie charts. Demo1 Demo2 Demo3 Demo4 Demo5
    - Tokens %kv and %scale-key-value no longer transform dates, they display the given value. To transform dates, use %kt or %scale-key-text.

    Bug Fixes

    - Fixed decimal data displays on scales.

    v2.8.2 10/03/2018

    New Features

    - Radar chart with piano aspect. Demo
    - Clustering nodes attribute. Demo1 Demo2 Demo3 Demo4

    Bug Fixes

    - Fixed touch zoom pinch dragging on node.
    - Fixed destroy method error.

    v2.8.1 09/25/2018

    New Features

    - New Sunburst type chart. Demo1 Demo2

    Performance Features

    - Memory management improvements.
    - Improved error handling on edge case scenarios.

    Bug Fixes

    - Fixed edge case where scaleX had double month labels.
    - Fixed issue where last two points would register as a single hover event.
    - Fixed conflicts between chart resize and destroy calls.

    v2.1.2 (06/12/2015)


    - Changed labeling for South Sudan from "SDS" to "SSD" in the "world-countries" map module.
    - Added "placement": "horizontal" | "vertical" on tooltips
    - Fixes for the chord module
    - Fixes on canvas 3D charts
    - Added labels on zoom boxes
    - Improved placement of pie value-box elements
    - Fixes on pie3D active area regions

    v2.1.1 (06/01/2015)


    -Fixed hover-state on shape when “type”:”rect”
    - Alpha on tooltip now only adjusts background transparency
    - Added adjust-layout to “preview” object
    - Fixed issue that would cause shapes to render improperly when switching shape type using setdata
    - On shapes, “y”:1 will now place the shape at 1, instead of at “100%”.
    - Added active-area to area charts.
    - Set a minimum of 2 ticks on scales to prevent crashing
    - Fixed an issue with the “zoom-to” method, and consequently, the “View All” context menu option.
    - Fixed an issue with missing fills in 3d stacked area charts
    - Fixed several issues with stacked bar charts.
    - Added “type”:”ring” as an alias for the ring style pie chart
    - On legend, if “draggable” is set, the default drag handler is now the header.
    - On legend, if "draggable" is set, the move icon appears over the draggable region
    - Added "highlight-plot": true to the "legend" item. This is an alias to "highlight": true under plot.
    - Changed the default tooltip border to match the plot color. Border still does not appear by default and must have the width set.
    - Changed the alpha on legend, tooltip, and preview to not apply to the text or the border. The one exception is if alpha is set to 0 on legend and border-alpha is not set, border-alpha is set to 0.
    - Added border-alpha to set the alpha of border.
    - Added align:  right | center | left  and  vertical-align: top | middle | bottom  to the legend object.

    v2.1.0 (04/06/2015)


    - Added Boxplot chart type (Docs)
    - Added Waterfall chart type (Docs)
    - Added Population Pyramid chart type (Docs)
    - Fixed fullscreen issue causing IE browsers to crash on big charts with crosshairs
    - Code optimization on crosshairs
    - Fixed events-overlay plugin
    - Initial version of the smart labeling on date-time scales (can be activated through DEV.SMARTDATELABELS flag)
    - Legacy events introduced (feed_start, feed_stop, feed_interval_modify, history_forward, history_back, source_hide, source_show, about_hide, about_show, legend_hide, legend_show)
    - Fixed issues with zooming states on charts with zoomTo or zoomToValues and toggle-action:remove on legends
    - Memory leak fixes
    - Improved logic on fixed sized vbar and hbar plots
    - BgColor fixes, Bar plot fixes
    - Fixed wrong output when background color is set to transparent
    - Fixed errors in mixed charts when bar plots have fixed widths
    - Added type : "poly" as a new type of scale marker
    - Updated the geojson module and upgraded it to a standalone module
    - Click-state addition for shapes & labels
    - Fixes on 3dpie value boxes
    - Pop-pyramid improvements to allow extra layouts
    - Treemap updates
    - Small correction to z-indexes

    v2.0.5 (01/13/2015)


    - Simplified file naming convention. Main script is now zingchart.min.js, module scripts follow the zingchart-*.min.js convention.
    - Adopted semantic versioning (semver.org)
    - Added the ability to install ZingChart using bower, npm, or via cdn. (View the Getting Started page for more info)

    v1.19.0 (12/15/2014)


    - Fixed value-box positioning bug on vbar/hbar charts introduced by 0.141205
    - Fixed issues on Rhino build with stacked area charts

    v1.18.0 (12/05/2014)


    - Added option to set multiple value boxes for every plot by specifying value-box as an array of objects
    - Fixed problem with zoom preservation when plots have different y scales
    - Improvements & fixes on log scales
    - Treemap changes (now nodes on last level will not expand into full area)
    - Gauge fixes
    - Fixed value box positioning on bar charts to hide the value box when chart is zoomed and position goes outside plotarea
    - Fixed broken history on animated charts
    - Overhaul of value-box style and positioning logic on pie and pie3d charts
    - Performance improvements on bar charts with large datasets
    - Fixed showtooltip api
    - Fixed scale markers bug (garbage left behind on chart zoom)
    - Added getscales API for faster access to chart's scale related information
    - Custom context menu items now accept "order" attribute which sets the position in the list
    - Added feed_clear event
    - Added "js" transport, url attribute has to be a js function with one single callback parameter passing back the feed info
    - Overhaul of scales display logic when using dynamic margins on plotarea
    - Introduced scale-x-n and scale-y-n attributes to set shared properties for scales
    - (internal) added z-modifier to 3d facet objects to manually alter the z sorting score
    - Added placement : top|bottom on objects to define the sorting placement relative to the series
    - Added vline and varea charts, support also for vline and varea plots on hmixed charts
    - Added hack for no-repeat image patterns on SVG
    - Added rule support for crosshairX -> plot-label elements
    - Improvements on mixed charts layout (start/end offset will be used only if bar plots are available)
    - Complete overhaul of stacked area logic to cope better with data mixing null and non-null values
    - Fixes on crosshair when using single plot label
    - Fixes on html-mode version of tooltips, also, improving the integration between guide_mousemove event and showtooltip API
    - Updated transition from lin to log progression to allow animation
    - Added mask-tolerance (default 6) attribute on plotarea to allow for bigger masks to prevent cutting of hover markers (10805). This *may* cause however unwanted effects when zooming plots if the tolerance gets bigger (hover states of plots exceeding plotarea)
    - Fixed rhino build ignoring offset-x and offset-y for tooltips
    - Updated rhino build to the latest set of features

    v1.17.0 (09/15/2014)


    - Added option to set multiple value boxes for every plot by specifying value-box as an array of objects
    - Fixed problem with zoom preservation when plots have different y scales
    - Improvements & fixes on log scales
    - Treemap changes (now nodes on last level will not expand into full area)
    - Gauge fixes
    - Fixed value box positioning on bar charts to hide the value box when chart is zoomed and position goes outside plotarea
    - Fixed broken history on animated charts
    - Performance improvements on bar charts with large datasets
    - Fixed showtooltip api
    - Fixed scale markers bug (garbage left behind on chart zoom)
    - Added getscales API for faster access to chart's scale related information
    - Custom context menu items now accept "order" attribute which sets the position in the list
    - Added feed_clear event
    - Added "js" transport, url attribute has to be a js function with one single callback parameter passing back the feed info

    v1.16.0 (08/14/2014)


    - Added legendminimize and legendmaximize APIs
    - Fixed issue with tooltip sometimes not showing on mobile devices
    - Fixed error thrown when touching a node of a chart when page was scrolled
    - Fixed positioning issues on chord charts when placed on a graphset
    - Fixed chord issues locking the browser when placed on a graphset
    - Fixed bug with scrollbars not being cleared when calling a chart reload
    - Fixed canvas export bug on IE9+ browsers which ignored the new line on the exported image

    v1.15.0 (05/22/2014)


    - Fixed issue with node_click and plot_click being fired on touch devices even if touchend element is different than the touchstart element
    - Fixed showmenu API
    - Fixed Chrome issues with image clipping paths on SVG
    - Added setLineDash when available on canvas
    - Fixes on maps module when setting individual tooltip text for each item
    - Added facets object on vbar3d and hbar3d charts to allow individual styling of facets:
      facets : {
        top: {...},
        bottom: {...},
        left: {...},
        right: {...},
        front: {...}
    - Added "setguide" API to force display of a crosshair-x element, accepts the "graphid" and "keyvalue" parameters
    - Added support for "url" and "target" attributes on series items -> "legend-item"
    - Added image map option for nodejs build
    - Fixed active areas on stock charts to consider also high/low points
    - Fixed priority for active areas on vbar3d and hbar3d charts
    - Fixes on mixing 100% stacked series with normal/non-stacked series

    v1.14.0 (04/25/2014)


    - Switched to SVG as default render
    - Added Right To Left text support via "rtl":true attribute
    - Objects API optimizations
    - Fixes on aspect of bars with small values or stacked bars
    - Reorganized default context menu items
    - Added optimizations on layer management, now layers are being created only if they are needed (very useful on canvas rendering)
    - Also, for non-detectable features, we added graph "layers" attribute to manually control the layers which are being created:
      "layers": {
        "objects-top": true | false
        "objects-bottom": true | false,
        "plots": true | false,
        "static": true | false, (holds the preview and history)
        "guide": true | false
    - Added top-state to all label & shape related elements
    - Fixed issue with imagemap on old IE browsers
    - Setting offset-start and offset-end to -1 on x scales on bubble and scatter charts will evenly "spread" the scale values

    v1.13.0 (04/08/2014)


    - Added getobjectinfo API
    - Increased rendering speed on 3d mesh display
    - Fixed Rankflow chart bugs
    - Added option for all shapes to be displayed in a 3d environment
    - Created rule & annotation APIs
    - Updates on multi-guide plugin to allow auto-labeling and possibility to edit marker labels
    - Speed updates
    - Added option to allow area regions to become active regions and trigger node events
    - Added option to position tooltips and guide labels at fixed x/y locations
    - Fixed crosshair bugs on multi-graph charts
    - Fixed positioning of preview handlers
    - Fixed fast mode on spline series starting with null values
    - Added monotone:true|[false] as an option for the spline series
    - Fixed grid module on IE67
    - Added SVG export
    - Fixed offset-values behavior when using negative numbers
    - Added timezone option which combined with utc option translates automatically the timestamps provided in the json
    - Added new maps:
      tur, mex, can, zaf, rus, jpn, fra, fraL2, gbrL2, qat, kor, uzb, yem, zmb, bdi, gmb,
      nld, swe, bih, mkd, chl, slv, aze, egy, eth, gha, vnm, tun, mne, mda, svn, svk, tjk,
      ury, ecu, zwe, bol, tha, col, phl, per, kaz, guy, guf, sur, afg, ago, are, arm,
      ben, bfa, brn, btn, bwa, caf, civ, cmr, cod, cog, cri, cub, uga, gab, irn, rwa,
      nam, ncl, omn, ken, moz, pan, sen, png, twn, gnb, gtm, kwt, lao, lbr, nga, pak
    - Added async functionality to preview component
    - Fixed floating point issues on scales (-0.3:0.1:0.1)
    - Improvements on scale
    - Fixes on bubble charts when scale have just one value
    - Made js rules as base attributes, added support for tooltip
    - Added js rules as item inside rules collection
      "rules" : [
          "rule" : "*",
          "js" : "myfunc()"
    - Added group-selections : true | [false]  on plot to automatically select all nodes with same index as the selected node
    - Added mid-point : [true] | false  option on line & area plots to set whether a node is wrapped equally before and after its position or not

    v1.12.0 (02/07/2014)


    - Fixed fullscreen view to follow the legend selection from the original chart
    - Added togglesource, togglebugreport, toggleabout
    - Moved map objects to a separate layer so that the hover-state of the map will not obscure the other labels/shapes in the view
    - Fixed scrolling related graphics interfering with tooltips
    - Fixed SVG styling on html-mode tooltips
    - Fixed dynamic margin bug on plotarea when set through specific margin-xxx attributes
    - Fixed flickering on html-mode tooltips (on canvas render)
    - Added option on crosshair-x -> plot-label -> multiple:true|false. Set multiple:false to create by default a single plot-label
    - Fixed visual bug on stacked area when "toggle-action" on legend is set to "remove"
    - Added tooltip feature on grid cells in grid plugin, also removed the flat property from the grid, now flat:true|false should be set using cell classes
    - Fixed memory leaks in rhino build

    v1.11.0 (01/03/2014)


    - Fixed problem with legend markers not being accessible when overlapping active nodes
    - Fullscreen mode now uses the current data snapshot instead of the original json
    - Fixes on legend pagination controls when using offsetX/Y
    - Fixes on vbar/hbar active areas on thin bars throwing warnings js console in Firefox
    - Fixed issue with nodes getting temporarily inactive on touch devices after page scroll

    v1.10.0 (12/13/2013)


    - Added "Hide Guide"/"Show Guide" items to the context menu
    - Added alignment : "center" | "node" on guide markers. Setting alignment : "node" will align the guide markers with each node (available on vbar and vbar3d plots)
    - Added showtooltip API
    - Added showhoverstate API
    - Added preview object on 3d charts (line, area, vbar)
    - Added support for "swipe" event (direction=left|right is being passed to the callback)
    - Improvements on shape background routines to allow image sprites
    - Added %color-0 to %color-8 tokens and constructs like %color-n(+p) or %color-n(-p) which will lighten or darken the %color-n by the p percent
    - Added exact : true | false on crosshair-x object. Setting exact : true will highlight plot nodes only if the guide is right next to the node. Setting exact : false (default) will highlight the plot nodes which are closest to the guide.
    - Added getobjectsbyclass (parameters: class) API and setobjectsmode (parameters: mode=flat|normal)
    - Added trigger : move | hover on crosshair-x object. Hover shows just one plot label at once and visibility is triggered when user hovers over the node
    - Added hscatter, hbubble, hmixed chart types to complement scatter, bubble and mixed
    - Map updates: 3d views & speed optimization
    - Added hover-mode: node|plot for line/area charts
    - Added plot -> highlight: true|false for line/area charts
    - Fixes for hover mode on spline
    - size-factor : auto on scale object on pie/pie3d charts will automatically size the pie to allow for all value boxes to show
    - General svg optimization by using "rect" tag instead of "path" when possible
    - Speed improvements on line, area and bar charts
    - Fixes on background-image when using background-position
    - Fixes on custom image markers
    - Added smart-sampling:true|false on line & area charts
    - Added keyval-format option on csv parser
    - Extended adjust-layout option on subtitle and source objects
    - Fixed bug with y scales not created correctly when respective plots have only one value
    - Fixed bug with stacked charts having data specified as [k,v] pairs
    - Fixed touch events on shapes & labels
    - Chord updates and speed improvements
    - Piano updates and speed improvements
    - Extended syntax of scale labels to allow string sequences ("min:max:step")
    - Addition of "js-rule" on the plot object (piano, vbar, hbar, line, area, vbar3d, hbar3d, line3d, area3d, stock, scatter, bubble)
    - Added sort-objects:true|false on graph objects for speed optimizations
    - Fixed spline on line/area/range charts when data is non-linear
    - IE8 speed optimizations
    - Added show-zero on Y scales to force the display of 0 value even if not matching max-labels rule
    - Updated placement logic on value-boxes to allow for greater flexibility
    - Overhaul on xy axis to allow for free positioning on each side of the plotarea, fixed dynamic margin on charts with multiple scales
    - Added type "line" and "area" on legend markers

    v1.9.0 (10/15/2013)


    - Fixed wrong background gradients when fill-offset-x or fill-offset-y are also specified.
    - Fixed wrong gradient backgrounds on prev & next buttons of the legend pagination section.
    - Fixed priority and importance of margin attributes.
    - Legend footer (along legend header) now also may force the legend dimensions.
    - Added toggle-action:disabled on legend
    - Introduction of adjust-layout:true on title, legend and plotarea, which will prevent overlapping between the 3 elements
    - Introduction of name-based animation values
    - Improvements on the CSS-like integration
    - Introduction of widgets
    - New maps (alb, and, bgr, lie, ltu, lva, blr, hrv, cyp, aus, nzl, che, chn)
    - Rendering speed improved on markers
    - Improvements on xy scales to allow for more flexible styling
    - Fixed export operations failing when running under https
    - Added "deselect" API (complementing "select" API)
    - Implemented values : "javascript:myFunc()" for both sync and async data fetching scenarios
    - Improvements on the CSS-like integration (added more tags)
    - Fixed Venn + legend bug
    - Improvements on plot stacking logic, added ability to setup different types of scales (100% stacked and normal)
    - Improvements on dragging plugin (different logic on 100% stacked plots and added dataDraggingMinValue and dataDraggingMaxValue)
    - Fixed data related API's on charts with data loaded via CSV
    - Reference updates
    - Fixed value box display when type filters are being used
    - Removed default hand cursor on nodes/labels/shapes/etc, now cursor turns into hand only if an url attribute exists for the item
    - Fixed node active areas on stacked vbar and hbar for small bars
    - Added a no-data object inside graph which appears by default if there is no data available in the graph
    - Added max-ratio on piano charts to complement min-ratio
    - If no values attribute is specified, scale-y on piano charts now contains text from series items (if available) or the default "Metric N" text
    - Fixed graphical glitches on rounded boxes
    - Added cursor attribute on elements to be able to force arrow cursor if url is present or hand cursor when arrow cursor is used by default
    - Fixed history object to work when data related API's are being used
    - Added Hide/Show Guide elements to the context menu
    - Added alignment : "center" | "node" on guide markers
      Setting alignment : "node" will align the guide markers with each node (available on vbar and vbar3d plots)
    - Added showtooltip API
    - Added showhoverstate API
    - Added preview object on 3d charts (line, area, vbar)
    - Added support for "swipe" event (direction=left|right is being passed to the callback)
    - Improvements on shape background routines to allow image sprites (linked to Fidelity task)
    - Added %color-0 to %color-8 tokens and constructs like %color-n(+p) or %color-n(-p) which will lighten or darken the %color-n by the p percent
    - Added exact : true | false on crosshair-x object
      Setting exact : true will highlight plot nodes only if the guide is right next to the node.
      Setting exact : false (default) will highlight the plot nodes which are closest to the guide.
    - Added getobjectsbyclass (parameters: class) API and setobjectsmode (parameters: mode=flat|normal)
    - Added trigger : move | hover on crosshair-x object. hover shows just one plot label at once and visibility is triggered when user hovers over the node
    - hscatter, hbubble, hmixed
    - Map updates: 3d views & speed optimization
    - Added hover-mode: node|plot for line/area charts
    - Added plot->highlight: true|false for line/area charts
    - Fixes for hover mode on spline
    - Events-overlay plugin
    - size-factor : auto on scale object on pie/pie3d charts will automatically size the pie to allow for all value boxes to show

    v1.8.0 (02/22/2013)


    - Added "stepped" aspect on area/area3d charts
    - Added "step-start" attribute ([middle] | before | after) on line/line3d and area/area3d charts
    - Added "sticky" attribute (boolean) and "timeout" (number) on tooltip to create a time delay before hiding the tooltip. If one hovers over the tooltip within that timeout, the tooltip will stay visible.
    - Setting "dynamic" margins on plotarea on xy charts will also modify the plot's dimensions to prevent overlaps between scale label and scale items
    - Added "marker-off" attribute on legend to allow different styles for on/off markers
    - Added zingchart.bind(sId, sEvent, oFn) and zingchart.unbind(sId, sEvent, oFn) methods for finer event handling management. If sId is null then the event will be assigned to all the existing charts on a page
    - Improved short notation label display

    v1.7.0 (10/12/2012)


    - Pie value labels: Fixed bug where Pie value-box does not show up in correct place when values are 50/50
    - 3DPIE and 0 values: Fixed bug with 3D Pie charts and 0 values.
    - Marker issue: Cross and Plus Markers now are set via line-color and line-width to match HTML5.
    - Improved Color Format Support for ZingChart Values: Added support for rgba as well as setting background-color-1 and background-color-2 with rgb through the background-color attribute.
    - Pie legend issue: It is now possible to set "text" within legend item to set the text format for the legend. This matches the functionality of HTML5.
    - Added negation : [standard] | currency on scale and plot (along the other formatting attributes) to control how the negative values are displayed independent of the chosen format.
      For example, if on scale format is $%v then the values -100 and 100 will be formatted as:
      negation : "standard" ------- $-100 $100
      negation : "currency" ------- -$100 $100
    - JS Formatter: It is now possible to add "format": "javascript:myJavaScriptFunction" to the scale. When this is done, the JavaScript function will be called for each item on the scale. It will pass the JavaScript function a single value parameter. The value returned from the JavaScript function will be displayed in the scale.
    - adjust-scale on feed: Added adjust-scale : true | [false] attribute on "refresh" object that will control how the data will be loaded.
      If false (default) the scale interval will stay fixed (and calculated using the max-ticks attribute) as the data is being loaded.
      If true, the scale interval will change as data is being loaded so that the full space of the scale will be used.
    - Common Legend across multiple graphs: Added shared : true | [false], group : (numeric) on legend object to allow for shared legends and even grouping the shared legends.
    - Wrap title: Title now accepts: wrap-text: true | [false]
      If it is set to true, the text wraps if it is longer than the width of the box.
    - Fixed a bug in the ZingChart rules that didn't allow the != operator to always function properly.

    v1.6.0 (07/31/2012)


    - Customizing Loading Screen: It is possible to customize the loading progress bar through the zingchart.render method:
        dataurl: dataUrl,
        output: 'flash',
        width: 600,
        height: 400,
        container: 'zingchart',
        preservecontainer: true,
        liburl: zingLib,
        progressbar: {
          color: '#ff0000',
          text: 'Please Wait',
          backgroundcolor: '#c3c3c3',
          bordercolor: '#ff0000',
          borderwidth: 2,
          fontcolor: '#ffffff'
    - Inherit scale colors from plot: It is now possible to set "line-color": "inherit" on the scale objects. If this is set, the scale line color will match the first plot object that uses that scale.
    It is also possible to set inherit on the line-color property of "tick", "minor-tick", and "ref-angle". If this is set, it will inherit the line-color of the scale.
    Finally, "inherit" can be set on the font-color of "item" and "label". Once again, it will inherit the line-color of the scale.
    - Flash Bootstrap Loader: Zingchart now ships with two swfs. The first is zingchart.swf which is a small swf that presents the loading screen. The second is zingchart_lib.swf which is the entire swf. If you include zingchart.swf, it will present the loading screen to the user and then load the zingchart_lib.swf.
    - Zooming has been added to scale-x and scale-y for hbar charts.
    - Added "highlight-item" to legend item so that the legend item is highlighted on mousing over the plotnodes. This is the syntax:
      "legend" : {
        "item": {
    The effect is a size+1 on the marker and a bold on the text.
    - Scale mirroring discrepancies: When scale-y is mirrored in area graphs, the area now correctly flows upward.
    - Transparent value for background-color-1 or background-color-2: It is now possible to set background-color-1 or background-color-2 to transparent and have the alpha change.
    - Conditional Builds: With a special license, it is now possible to make conditional flash builds including only the features that are needed. This results in a smaller swf file.
    - Legend toggle-action should be inside legend in addition to item: toggle-action can be placed within legend to match with HTML5.
      "legend": {
        "toggle-action": "remove",
        "layout": "float",
        "margin": "10 auto auto auto"
    - Gauge now displays properly when scale-r has "mirrored" set to true.
    - Changed (with backwards support) the following preview attributes:
      handler -> handle
      handler-left -> handle-left
      handler-right -> handle-right
      Added in handle-left, handle-right, handle-top, and handle-bottom to flash.
    - Fixed bug where labels and text were overlapping if the labels font-angle was set to 90 or 270.
    - Area3d charts have been given improved graphics to prevent gaps.
    - toggle-action: remove now works in bar, bar3d, hbar, hbar3d, pie, pie3d, and nestedpie.
    - 3-D Flash Bar chart drawing error: bar3d and hbar3d now match html5
    - Legend toggle-action = remove now toggles non-stacked bars appropriately.
    - CSV in flash now supports negative and exponential numbers.
    - On nested pie charts, the defaults now match HTML5 and small regions are able to trigger tooltips.

    v1.5.0 (05/15/2012)


    - Allows preview region to be placed on the graph.
    - The shape object has been added into flash. The syntax is the following:
      "shapes": [
          "type": "rect",
          "background-color": "red",
          "hover-state": {
            "background-color": "blue"
          "label": {
            "text": "Rect",
            "background-color": "#fc0 #ff0",
            "padding": "2 4"
          "tooltip": {
            "text": "My Rectangle",
            "background-color": "#f00"
    - "type" can be set to circle, square, rect, triangle, diamond, plus, cross, star3-star9, gauge3-gauge9, line, poly, or pie.
    - In the case of pie, angle-start and angle-end should be set to indicate the position of the gap.
    - In the case of line and poly, a points array should be passed in with x,y values set: "points":[[100,200], [400,250], [250,300]]
    - It is now possible to set "visible": false on a pie slice. It is also possible to set
      "scale-r": {
        "aperture": 270
    in order to make a partial circle.
    - Default pie border size set to 1 in order to match HTML5.
    - Gauge charts now accept minor-tick and minor-ticks attributes on the scale-r object.
    - source object has been added to flash.
      "source": {
        "background-color": "red",
        "text": "http://www.zingchart.com"
    - Background Image centers when repeat is set and repeats from the center in each direction. This matches functionality of HTML5.
    - When margin is set as well as margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-right, or margin-left, the value is taken by whichever one is specified last in the JSON object.
    - Even if zoom is not set for scale-x, the zoom handlers in preview display and zoom is enabled through the preview display. This matches the functionality in HTML5.
    - Added watermark object to add your own watermark.
      watermark : {
        url: imageurl
        label: {
          text: "Don't rip me off!" ,
          offset-y: 10
    - x & y values can now support percentages.
    - API calls getseriesdata and getseriesvalues have been added. getseriesdata returns an array of objects for each plot. getseriesvalues returns an array of arrays for each plot.
    - margin and position combinations are now handled correctly in flash.
    - Fixed bug when value-box does not work when type is set to "min,max".
    - Pie3d is now applying gradient correctly
    - tooltip-text now supports rules.
    - Piano charts support null values so rules can be applied to null boxes.
    - Area Markers and Plotarea Markers no longer overlap.
    - Fixed the radial gradient to match HTML5
    - Changed the following in flash to match up with HTML5:
      1. Set marker alpha to 0 on line3d and area3d
      2. Set scale color to #ddd on all 3d charts
      3. Set scale guides to solid on all 3d charts

    v1.4.0 (04/16/2012)


    - Error bars: New attributes & syntax (per series object or on global plot object):
    error - object, styles the actual error bar, size can be provided either in px or percentage relative to the scale tick size
    errors - array, contains the error values, values can be either numerical or percentage relative to the node value.
    Has multiple formats:
    1. Error is distributed equally on all nodes:
       Each of the two can be hidden by placing null as value:
        "errors":[null,neg] will show only negative error
        "errors":[pos,null] will show only positive error
    2. Error is specified for every node:
    - 3D Line charts now support the stepped and jumped aspects.
    - Added start-width property to funnel charts. "dynamic" is the default and sets the funnel width based on value. "static" will set the start width the same no matter the value.
    - Added in clearselection, setselection, getselection, and select API calls.
    - Added paging support for legend. Includes:
      "max-items" : N
      "overflow" : "page" | "none" | "hidden" uses max-items to make pages of N items (page) or just show only the top N items (hide)
    - Added styling objects within legend:
    - Support for stacked bullet charts.
    - If the chart margin-left or margin-bottom are set to "dynamic", the margin is calculated based on the size of the respective scale items and label.
    - hover-state, background-state, and selected-state have been added to plot objects.
    - In the preview object, "handler" has been changed to "handles"
    - The spacing of dashed and dotted lines has been improved.
    - Gradients in bar charts now work as expected.
    - hover-state on bubble chart now displays correct color.
    - Bar chart with bar-width is now centered appropriately.
    - Added support for scale-y-2 in 3d hbar charts.
    - Fixed hfunnel scale direction.
    - Added new API calls getcharttype and setcharttype
    - Added "multiplier" property to Gauge charts. Scale values no longer get rounded unless multiplier is set to true.
    - Allow addition of scale-x values with feed.
    - Fix radar bugs when aspect is set to rose.
    - Prevent labels from multiple pie charts from overlapping.
    - Parse %v when used in the text attribute.
    - Arrows and hooks are now functioning in the same manner as labels and hooks.
    - loader object added to defaults to allow setting default values for objects that occur outside of the graphset object.
    - Better support for scale markers with bar charts.
    - If no background-color is set on a 3D line chart, the background-color is inherited from the line-color.
    - Gradient values in pie charts display as expected.
    - Changed the behavior of 0 values in funnel charts. They now connect the previous section and the next section instead of not displaying.
    - Added background-color: transparent and background-color: none to display a transparent background color in addition to background-color: -1

    v1.3.0 (10/07/2011)


    - Set "guide-label" on plot to set the style/text of the guide callout on a per plot basis.
      "guide-label": {
        "text": "Accumulated Waste: %v lbs"
    - New chart type: "range". Data should be an array of two values. The first values will form a line and the second values will form a line and the middle will be filled in.
    - Setting min-value: "auto" on scale-y will calculate the scale-y min-value based on the plot points.
    - Radar Objects added/modified to bring flash and html5 into alignment. Notably, the scale-k and scale-v guides now support the item array to rotate background colors and the scale object was added. scale can be used to set size-factor.
    - Fixed bug for setting "visible": false on a tooltip at the plot level.
    - By default, scale markers placed on scale-x check key indexes when matching range. Now, it is possible to add "value-range":true on the marker in order to check values instead of key indexes.
    - Added/Modified objects to sync the flash and html5 implementation of gauge.
    - If the show-labels array exists, only the labels included will be displayed. The specified label must be part of labels or values.
      "scale-y-2": {
        "values": "0:200:10"
    - Guide items array allow rotating background colors on scale guides.
      "guide": {
            {"background-color": "red"},
            {"background-color": "white"},
            {"background-color": "blue"}
    - Pyramid, cylinder, cone aspects added to bar and bar3d.
      "plot": {
        "aspect": "pyramid" // "cylinder", "cone"
    - zoomToValues can be set on a scale object to indicate the start and end zoom values based on the scales value. This is in contrast to zoomTo which sets the zoom based on index.
    - Fixed bug with rotation of scale labels on horizontal charts.
    - Added support for mixed 3d charts. You can not mix 3d with non-3d.
      { "show-progress": false,
        "graphset" : [{
          "type" : "mixed",
          "series" : [
            {"type": "line3d", "tooltip-text": "%k", "values" : [87,36,86,89,82,60,41,89,81,29,67,26,73,54,10,21,57,50,62,84], "text" : "Item 0"},
            {"name": "top", "type": "bar3d", "values" : [40,36,90,59,61,94,60,2,35,30,46,38,98,96,28,58,98,54,30,17], "text" : "Item 1"}
    - In scatter and bubble charts, the legend marker will inherit properties from the plot marker.

    v1.2.0 (07/27/2011)


    - Added the ability to set the value-box "text" parameter in theme (defaultsurl) files. As of 28 Dec 2010
    - Feature add: "getrender" API call added for identifying what format a chart has been rendered in. As of 1 Feb 2011. See docs here http://www.zingchart.com/learn/api/api.php
    - HTML5 images[] collection: Added images[] collection to the HTML5 version
    - csv : Insert data from CSV file exported by Excel
    - Bug fix: The 'width': 'auto' parameter in zingchart.render () was failing in Internet Explorer. This has been fixed as of 17 Jan 2011.
    - Bug Fix: in some line charts with multiple series on top of eachother, using "crosshair-x": value-labels would cause the top value-label to be forced off of the chart. Now, all labels stay in the chart area. As of 28 Dec 2010.
    - Bug fix: HTML5 line charts using [timestamp,value] formatting were resulting in criss-crossing lines with  some datasets. Fixed as of 18 Jan 2011.
    - Bug Fix: A user encountered a Javascript exception when mousing over the chart with "crosshair-x": active in an HTML5 chart. Fixed as of 17 Jan 2011.
    - Bug Fix: When multiple scales were being used (scale-y-n), the additional scales were not being positioned correctly and required manual placement. This has been fixed as of 22 Dec 2010.
    - Fixed bug on non-numeric key-value scales.
    - Added auto-align : true|false on scale item object that will "magically" align the rotated scale items with the scale itself.
    - Bug Fix:  "font-size": was not functioning in the HTML5 crosshair-x value-labels. Fixed as of 13 Jan 2011.
    - Also, fixed an issue that occasionally caused empty value labels to remain on chart after mouse was moved off of the chart.
    - Bug fix: Previously, "stacked": true (for creating stacked bar charts) was not allowed in the "plot": object in Flash. This has been resolved as of 1 Feb 2011.
    - Bug fix: HTML5 charts were not re-sizing correctly when using 'width': 'auto' in zingchart.render(). This is fixed as of 17 Jan 2011.
    - Added "destroy" API call for clean removal of a chart from a page.
    - Added Bug Report tool into HTML5 version
    - Bug Fix: Background-colors for gradients were showing up in the wrong order for HTML5. Now, "background-color-1": is at the top (linear) or center (radial) of gradient background color fills. As of 28 Dec 2010.
    - Added xall and yall boolean parameters to specify whether the zoomto and zoomtovalues API calls apply xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax to all the similar scales at once.
    - Fixed bug on preview object not being properly reset when applying a setdata API call over a chart with a "zoomed-in" state
    - Added possibility to completely hide the context menu (only for localhost/ development and extended licensing modes)
    - Added "defaults" parameter in zingchart.render() call. Requires an object containing the chart defaults.

    v1.1.0 (12/13/2010)


    - Feature add [Flash]: Flash has been updated with a "label": {} object in scales that allows the grouping and customization of scale labels. Example:
      "scale-y": {
        "label: {
          "text": "Sample Label",
          "font-size": "14px",
          "font-family": "arial",
          "font-weight": "bold"
    - Update: "hook": object added for positioning labels, images and notes relative to datapoints has been added. Syntax as follows:
      "hook": {
        "type": "node",
    - Feature: Added the ability to rotate text in area markers. "font-angle": 0 will produce horizontal area marker labels.
    - Feature: Added a "legend": {} object within the area markers array. Now, "text": as well as font styling parameters may be set within the legend object.
    - Feature: Added custom user variables added for Flash and HTML5. User variables may be set using "%data-variable":[] array, where variable may be any specified variable. "%data-variable" may be used as a token in tooltips, value-boxes or the url attribute.
    - Syntax update: "max-labels" (Flash) is now aliased to "max-items". "max-items" should be used when specifying how many scale items (including labels, ticks and guides) are desired on a given scale-x or scale-y. Updated as of August 25, 2010.
    - Bug Fix: Fixed the color of legend-items to inherit "background-color-1" and "background-color-2" from the series. Previously, "background-color-1" and "line-color" were inherited, causing unintended legend-item colors. As of October 22, 2010.
    - Bug Fix: Adding decimals to the "step": in scales without specifying the number of decimals via the "decimals": attribute was previously crashing Flash. This has been resolved.
    - Bug Fix: "font-angle": parameter for HTML5 scale labels were not previously working. This has been fixed as of 10 Nov 2010.
    - Feature: Upgraded bar charts with many features for bar sizing and overlap. "bar-width", "bars-space-left", "bars-space-right", "bar-space", "bars-overlap" have been added. Values may be set to either pixels or percentages. As of November 10, 2010.
    - Bug Fix: The "output" parameter in zingchart.render() has been updated to always allow for render fallback, even if a specific render is chosen. For instance, if output is set to Flash but the chart is accessed via a mobile device not supporting Flash, and HTML5 chart will show (only if proper scripts for HTML5 are included). As of October 15, 2010.
    - Feature: Added the ability to set width and height of value-boxes. To do so, set "width" and "height" attributes within "value-box": object. As of August 17, 2010.
    - Bug Fix: Value-boxes were showing up below nodes in some line/area charts.
    - Bug Fix: Legend-sizing bug fixed for proper handling of different legend-item text length.
    - Feature: Added a "curtain": {} object feature for enabling a loading feature when "refresh" is used. Object is placed within "refresh" as follows:
      "refresh": {
        "curtain": {
          "visible": true,
          "background-color": "red",
          "text": "We are Loading!"
        "type" : "feed",
        "interval" : 2,
        "max-ticks" : 10,
        "url" : "fb646-5-feed.php"
    - Feature: Added "getimagedata" API call for returning image via API. As of August 18, 2010.
    - Bug fix: Previously, when using data as [timestamp,value] pairs, max-value would be ignored/calculated using a default step value. Both min-value and max-value are now recognized as of October 15, 2010.
    - Feature added: In Flash, value-box overlap prevention has been added to limit the overlap when showing a large number of slices in pie charts. As of September 3, 2010.
    - Bug fix: API calls are now consistent when zooming on a chart. For example, if an item is toggled to 'hide', it will remain hidden upon zooming and interacting with the graph. As of October 15, 2010.
    - Feature: Logarithmic scales have been added to HTML5. To set scales to logarithmic, add the "progression": "log" attribute to scale-y. Also added are "exponent": true and "exponent-decimals": 3, to allow for scientific notation. As of October 19, 2010.
    - Feature: Added the ability to use multiple scales in Flash and HTML5. Now, "scale-x-n": {} is allowable. To attach a series to a specific scale, set "scales": "scale-x,scale-y-2" formatted string within a specific series object. As of October 15, 2010.
    - Feature: Upgraded margin and positioning parameters for ability to set both simultaneously (taking into account height/width of objects). Further information can be found at: http://www.zingchart.com/support/fogbugz/fb953.html?dev=1
    - Feature: Added "layout": "float" feature to legend. Used for spacing out legend items evenly within the width of the legend area.
    - Feature add: Added the ability to use JavaScript calls via JSON. As of September 7, 2010.
    - Bug fix: change syntax from "area-alpha" to "alpha-area" to match HTML5 and Flash (for setting alpha of area chart plot background-colors).
    - Feature: "flashvars" no longer needed in Flash for zingchart.render() parameters. Now, Flash and HTML5 both have all of the same zingchart.render parameters. As of August 18, 2010.
    - Bug fix: Fixed a bug where scale-x could not be set when using CSV data. As of August 18, 2010.
    - Bug Fix: Horizontal bar chart scale labels were rotated the wrong direction by default.
    - Bug fix: memory leaks fixed in Flash as of October 15, 2010.
    - Default Update: Previously, "type": needed to be set in "value-box" to show any value-boxes in Flash. Defaults have been updated for "type": "all" if the "value-box" object is present. Other values are "none", "max, "min". As of August 18, 2010.
    - Syntax Update: "background-repeat" syntax (for use with "background-image") has been updated to reflect CSS styling. As of October 25, 2010, available values are "repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", and "no-repeat".
    - Syntax Update: In zingchart.render(), both Flash and HTML5 now recognize 'container' and 'id' for specifying a chart id. 'id' will be the preferred syntax moving forward. As of September 22, 2010.
    - Bug Fix: In bullet charts, scale-y was previously being auto sized in relation to the tallest bar height, not taking into account the highest goal value (which caused goal values to not appear. This is fixed as of August 23, 2010.

    v1.0.0 (04/21/2010)


    - Added in preview area for scatter
    - Minor-guide object added to display the minor-guide instead of automatically displaying if minor-ticks set
    - Ability to set value-box placement using rules
    - Ability to set width and height of value-box
    - Various legend item attribute updates:
      legend {
        item: {
            show-marker: [true] | false ->  Shows the marker
            marker-style: [square] | circle | diamond | triangle | match (matches to the marker set on the line/area)
            show-line: true | [false]
            line-style: dashed | dotted | [solid] | match where match will match the marker on the line/area
            highlight: true | [false]
            toggle: [true] | false
    - Within legend, a new object named 'tooltip' has been added. If it exists, then the tooltip will appear. By default the tooltip will contain %d. It can be customized as a regular tooltip. By default, it will inherit the color of the plot as background.
    - Legend-text attribute added to plot to specify the text displayed in the legend
    - On the individual series, there is a new object called legend-item that can override any of the above attributes. Also, if visible is set to false in the legend-item, the item does not display in the legend.
    - Line-style replaces line-dotted and line-dashed. Line-style options: [solid] | dotted | dashed
    - View source feature added to right-click menu
    - The file attribute has been renamed as url
    - Description attribute added to plot. It can be accessed in tooltips by %d anywhere that %t can be accessed.
    - Ref-line defaults to "visible": false if ref-line is at the same location as the scale
    - Label x/y coordinates now correlate with the upper left corner (previously correlated with center of graph)
    - API additions
    - Added theme called "spark" to enable sparkline development
    - Scrolling with feed crashing browser
    - History bug fix
    - Fixed Gauge Background to encompass the whole gauge
    - Added non-numeric goals to bullet
    - Allowed lens to go slightly outside of chart to fully get each part of the line
    - Removed 2d/3d right click switch from graphs that don't have 3d.
    - Labels outside of plotarea moving on zoom.
    - Fixed custom markers
    - Fixed tooltip background-color bug
    - Fixed bugs with feed-reset
    - Removed width/height/x/y from plot
    - Guide z-index is set to top
    - Preview Box crashing bug 
    ZingSoft Studio Getting Started Overview