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  • Pareto Charts

    Note: See our Pareto Chart Gallery for inspiration on all the different pareto chart possibilities.

    Pareto Chart Type

    Specify the chart type by adding a type attribute to the chart object and setting the value to pareto.

      type: 'pareto',


    To enter data into the pareto chart, use the series array. Each object in the series array requires a values array to function properly. ZingChart will automatically calculate the percentage values for the line plot from this array.

    Note: Learn more about the series array with our series JSON Configuration page.

      type: 'pareto',
      series: [
          values: [464200,434500,235000,125100]

    Chart-Specific Properties

    Pareto charts include a number of unique chart-specific properties that allow you to manipulate the appearance and behaviors of your HTML5 pareto chart. Add these properties within an options object.

    Pareto Line Plot

    The line-plot object sets the definition for the auto-generated line plot.

      type: 'pareto',
      options: {
        linePlot: {
          lineColor: '#f00',
          lineWidth: '4px'


    The scale-y-2 object sets the definition for the second y-scale (the one associated with the auto-generated line).

      type: 'pareto',
      options: {
        scaleY2: {
          lineColor: 'red',
          label: {
            text: 'Percentage',
            fontColor: 'red'
          tick: {
            lineColor: 'red'
          item: {
            color: 'red'