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  • Open All Close All {
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    graph » options


    [ root » graph » options ]

    Various Charts - please note the following attributes are chart-type specific.

    Attribute Type Description
    activeBooleanSet false to disable the bubble drilldown on click.
    Default Value: true
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    BooleanSets whether alpha will also be applied to treemap boxes (nodes) based on the `value-aspect` value.
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberSets the angle padding between two chord segments.
    Chart types: Chord
    apertureNumberSets the total radial aperture for the radial trees.
    Default Value: 360
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    arrowObjectThe `arrow` object allows you to control the minimum and maximum length and the style of the arrows.
    Introduced in: v2.8.0
    Chart types: Vectorplot
    aspectStringSets the aspect of the chart. For wordcloud charts, changes the layout ['flow-center', 'flow-top', 'spiral']. For tree charts, sets the aspect of how the lines connect the nodes ['arc', 'line', 'sibling', 'side-after', 'side-before', 'side-between', 'split']. For tree module charts, sets to "graph" type or the direction branches extend from root node. Accepted values: ['graph', 'tree-down', 'tree-left', 'tree-radial', 'tree-right', 'tree-up']. For population pyramid charts, changes the chart type used ['area', 'bar', 'hbar', 'line', 'varea', 'vline'].
    Accepted Values: ['arc', 'area', 'bar', 'flow-center', 'flow-top', 'graph', 'hbar', 'line', 'sibling', 'side-after', 'side-before', 'side-between', 'spiral', 'split', 'tree-down', 'tree-left', 'tree-radial', 'tree-right', 'tree-up', 'varea', 'vline']
    Default Value: 'spiral'
    Chart types: Population-pyramid,Tree-module,Wordcloud
    StringSets how boxes within treemap are colored.
    Accepted Values: ['palette', 'random', 'transition', `${string}`]
    Default Value: 'random'
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberDetermines the amount of magnetization between each node in a graph tree chart. To be used with repulsion constant.
    Default Value: 0.99
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    backObjectSets the styling attributes which will be applied to the Back button.
    Chart types: Nav Chart,Nav Pie Chart
    NumberSets the space between the outer band and the chords
    Chart types: Chord
    NumberSets the width of the outer band.
    Chart types: Chord
    barsArray.<Object>Sets the data for the scorecard bar
    Introduced in: v2.7.2
    Chart types: Scorecard
    boxObjectSets the styling for boxes. For treemap charts, styles the treemap boxes (TreemapBox). For toolbar3d charts, styles toolbar content boxes (Toolbar3dBox). For boxplot charts, styles the box section of box plot (BoxplotBox).
    Chart types: Boxplot,3D Toolbar,Treemap
    ObjectStyles the 'Zoom In' button
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Depth
    ObjectStyles the 'Zoom Out' button
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Depth
    buttonsArray.<Object>Styles the buttons of the 3d toolbar.
    Introduced in: v2.6.0
    Chart types: Zoom Buttons
    closeObjectStyles the multiguide close button on crosshair handle.
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.6.2
    Chart types: Multi-guide Module
    Array.<String>Defines the labels for the grid columns. To display column labels, set `headerRow` to `true`.
    Chart types: Grid
    NumberForces the size of the spacing between flow columns. Larger values will create wider columns.
    Chart types: Rankflow
    Array.<String>Defines the widths of the grid columns, specified either in fixed values or as a percentage.
    Chart types: Grid
    colorStringWhen 'color-type': "color", sets the color of the items. For rankflow charts, sets color of flow sections. For chord charts, sets the color algorithm used to color the items.
    Chart types: Chord,Rankflow,Wordcloud
    StringUsed with the `transition` aspect, this sets the ending color value to use for the transition.
    Chart types: Treemap
    StringUsed with the `transition` aspect, this sets the starting color value to use for the transition.
    Chart types: Treemap
    StringSets the color algorithm used to color the items. For chord and wordcloud charts, sets the font color ['color', 'palette', 'random'].
    Accepted Values: ['color', 'palette', 'random']
    Default Value: 'random'
    Chart types: Chord,Rankflow,Wordcloud
    containerObjectSets the styling for a tree container.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    containersObjectTop level containers representing bubbles of objects defining position configurations. (Ex. "containers":{"europe":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":200,"height":200}, ...})
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    currencyStringSets the character to precede monetary values with
    Default Value: '$'
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Depth
    NumberSets a damping factor for each step of the force directed graph iteration. Default value is 0.005. Higher values will force the graph to stop faster, with the cost of not reaching an optimal state for the layout.
    Default Value: 0.005
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    dataArray.<Number>, Array.<Number,String>, ObjectSets the data for the chart. Vectorplot charts accepts array of numbers representing [xPosition, yPosition, length, angle] (Array.). Variwide charts accepts array of the form `[ id, val1, val2 ]` (Array.<(Number|String)>). Tilemap charts accepts objects formatted {"ID1":{"value":NUMBER, ...}, ...} (Object).
    Default Value: []
    Introduced in: v2.8.0
    Chart types: Tilemap,Variwide,Vectorplot
    Array.<String>Sets an array of class names which will be applied on each column header.
    Chart types: Grid
    ObjectSets a data source for the grid by specifying a graph and a scale from which grid will fetch the data. Format is "data-source":{"graph":"GRAPHID", "scale":"SCALENAME"}
    Default Value: {}
    Chart types: Grid
    dayObjectStyles individual days
    Chart types: Calendar
    decimalsNumberSets the number of decimal places displayed for each value. For treemap charts, used to format box values. For dragging charts, sets the number of decimal places to allow values to be dragged to (alternative to dragging > draggingDecimals).
    Chart types: Dragging Module,Treemap
    StringSets the separator to be used in place of the default decimal point. Any string or character can be used to replace the decimal.
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberSets a ratio for the curvature of the links.
    Default Value: 2
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    ObjectSets additional styling to the empty series which is injected and generated by the plugin (the first series item).
    Introduced in: v2.5.0
    Chart types: Stream
    NumberSets the month the calendar chart ends on. By default, the calendar will end in December. Provide a value between 1-12, with 1 indicating January and 12 indicating December.
    Default Value: 12
    Chart types: Calendar
    filterArray.<String>If set with a list of item names, only those items will be displayed (once their level will be active).
    Default Value: []
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    finalObjectAccepts styling attributes to style the final `"SUM"` bar
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Waterfall
    firstdayStringSets the day of the week the calendar begins on: Sunday ('s') or Monday ('m')
    Accepted Values: ['s', 'm']
    Default Value: 's'
    Chart types: Calendar
    flatBooleanSet to true disables the chart interactivity. For sunburst charts, sets drilldown navigation for sunburst level. For rankflow chart, sets if main labels toggle highlight of corresponding flow section. For grid charts, sets whether grid cells are clickable or not. For chord charts, sets chord's highlight effect (when hovering over band).
    Default Value: true
    Introduced in: v2.9.7
    Chart types: Chord,Rankflow,Sunburst
    BooleanForces the grid to fill the entire height of the plotarea.
    Chart types: Grid
    formatObjectSets formatting attributes for the value numbers.
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    BooleanEnables the overall ranking section of the chart.
    Chart types: Rankflow
    ObjectSets the styling for the treemap group boxes.
    Chart types: Treemap
    Array.<String>The groupFilter array lets you choose which groups to display on the chart. The data may contain multiple groups; just add the group names as comma separated strings inside the groupFilter array. You can also use groupFilter to filter out data you don't want displayed.
    Default Value: []
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    NumberSets an offset of the angle from which the chords are painted.
    Chart types: Chord
    NumberSets a radial space between bands
    Introduced in: v2.6.2
    Chart types: Chord
    groupsArray.<Object>Configures the group.
    Default Value: []
    Introduced in: v2.8.0
    Chart types: Tilemap
    NumberSets the horizontal distance between the icon and the rest of the elements.
    Introduced in: v2.7.2
    Chart types: Scorecard
    handleObjectStyles the upper handle pinned to the top of the guide line
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.6.2
    Chart types: Multi-guide Module
    BooleanSets whether the grid has a header column or not.
    Chart types: Grid
    BooleanSets whether the grid has a header row or not.
    Chart types: Grid
    StringSets the elements on which the alpha effect applies: 0 - no alpha change, 1 - chord alpha change, 2 - chord+band alpha change
    Accepted Values: [0, 1, 2]
    Default Value: 1
    Chart types: Chord
    ObjectSets the hover state styles of the object.
    Chart types: Treemap
    iconObjectSets the attributes for the icon element.
    Introduced in: v2.7.2
    Chart types: Scorecard
    idStringSets the id of the object.
    Default Value: ''
    ignoreArray.<String>Items to ignore.
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    indicatorObjectCustomizes the mobile indicator on pie and donut charts.
    Introduced in: v2.3.3
    Chart types: Donut Chart,Mobile Chart,Pie
    intermediateObjectAccepts styling attributes to style intermediate `"SUM"` bars
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Waterfall
    itemObjectSets the styling for the bubble items.
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    ObjectSets the styling for all the bubble items which belong to a particular group.
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    ObjectSets the styling for all the bubble items which have a specific ID.
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    ObjectSets the styling for all the bubble items on a particular level.
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    labelObjectStyles the axis label for the crosshair/guide.
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.6.2
    Chart types: Multi-guide Module
    StringSets where the scale labels for the pyramid are displayed
    Accepted Values: ['side', 'middle']
    Default Value: 'side'
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Population-pyramid
    labelsObjectObject to set the text for various chart labels (i18n purposes). Currently only `cost` label can be customized.
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Depth
    layoutStringSets the layout used in case there are more than top-level parents.
    Accepted Values: ['h', 'v', 'x']
    Default Value: 'x'
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    lineObjectStyles the line. For waterfall charts, styles the lines between bars. For multiguide charts, styles the multiguide lines.
    Default Value: false
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Multi-guide Module,Waterfall
    ObjectAccepts styling attributes to style the whisker that connects the box plot and the maximum value line object
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Boxplot
    ObjectAccepts styling attributes to style the line at the maximum value
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Boxplot
    ObjectAccepts styling attributes to style the Q2(M) line object
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Boxplot
    ObjectAccepts styling attributes to style the whisker that connects the box plot and the minimum value line object
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Boxplot
    ObjectAccepts styling attributes to style the line at the minimum value
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Boxplot
    ObjectSets additional styling for the generated line plot.
    Chart types: Pareto
    linkObjectStyles the links between nodes.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[cls-n]'ObjectStyles the links having a specific class.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[container-n]'ObjectStyles the links belonging to a specific container.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[group-n]'ObjectStyles the links belonging to a specific group.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[level-n]'ObjectSets the styling for the links having a specific level.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[parent-n]'ObjectSets the styling for the links having a specific parent.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[sibling]'ObjectStyles the links between siblings.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[source-n]'ObjectStyles the links coming from a specific source.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'link[target-n]'ObjectStyles the links going to a specific target.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    linksObjectSets the styling for specific links specified by "SOURCEID-TARGETID" keys
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    mainboxObjectStyles the main container of the 3d toolbar elements.
    Introduced in: v2.6.0
    Chart types: 3D Toolbar
    mapStringSets the map to be used.
    Default Value: 'USA'
    Introduced in: v2.8.0
    Chart types: Tilemap
    marginArray.<Number>Sets the margin on the chart in [top, right, bottom, left] order
    Accepted Values: ['dynamic']
    Default Value: [0, 0, 0, 0]
    Chart types: Rankflow
    Array.<Number>, NumberSets the maximum number of children each node can have.
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberSets the maximum depth. Child nodes with levels higher than this setting will be ignored.
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberSets the maximum font size to use
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    NumberSets the maximum number of items displayed. For wordcloud charts, sets limit to number of words displayed in word cloud. For bubble pack charts, sets limit to number of bubbles in bubble pack group.
    Chart types: Bubble-pack,Wordcloud
    NumberSets the max number of iterations executed before stabilizing the force directed graph.
    Default Value: 1000
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    NumberSets the maximum level the items have to be on so that they will be processed.
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    NumberSets the max width for the links between nodes (available in the force directed graphs).
    Default Value: 5
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    NumberSets the maximum size for the tree nodes.
    Default Value: 4
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    NumberSets a maximum value.
    Introduced in: v2.9.1
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberSets the mid market price
    Default Value: -1
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Depth
    NumberSets the minimum value of the alpha applied to the nodes if `alpha-aspect` is set to true.
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberSets the minimum font size to use.
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    NumberWhen set, filter out words shorter than minLength from the wordcloud
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    NumberSets the minimum level the items have to be on so that they will be processed.
    Default Value: 0
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    NumberSets the minimum width for the links between nodes (available in the force directed graphs).
    Default Value: 1
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    NumberSets the minimum size. For tree module charts, sets the minimum size for the tree nodes. For bubble pack charts, sets the minimum pixel-size of bubbles.
    Default Value: 4
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Bubble-pack,Tree-module
    NumberSets a minimum value.
    Introduced in: v2.9.1
    Chart types: Treemap
    ObjectConfigures the mid-market price marker.
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Depth
    mobileBooleanEnables chart's mobile features, such as touch getures and mobile context menu.
    monthObjectStyle items by the month (1-12)
    Chart types: Calendar
    ObjectStyles the multi-guide crosshairs.
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.6.2
    Chart types: Multi-guide Module
    negativeObjectAccepts styling attribute to style bars with negative values
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Waterfall
    nodeObjectSets the styling for nodes.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[cls-n]'ObjectSets the styling for the nodes having a specific class.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[collapsed]'ObjectSets the styling for the nodes in collapse state.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[container-n]'ObjectSets the styling for nodes belonging to a specific group.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[group-n]'ObjectSets the styling for nodes which belong to a specific group.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[leaf]'ObjectSets the styling for all nodes which are leaves.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[level-n]'ObjectSets the styling for the nodes placed on a specific hierarchy level.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[parent-n]'ObjectSets the styling for all the nodes which have a specific parent.
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    'node[parent]'ObjectSets the styling for all nodes which are parents (have children).
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    nodesObjectSets individual styles for nodes specified by "ID" keys
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    normalizeBooleanIf true, it makes no distinction between upper and lower case characters when counting words.
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    BooleanEnables an organizational tree diagram
    Default Value: false
    Introduced in: v2.8.5
    Chart types: Tree-module
    othersObjectSets the styling attributes which will be applied to the grouped series item.
    Chart types: Nav Chart,Nav Pie Chart
    outlierObjectAccepts styling attributes to style the outlier markers
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Boxplot
    NumberSets a factor of the packing algorithm (how close the nodes are forced). Only applies to organizational tree diagrams (options.orgChart = true).
    Default Value: 1
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    paddingNumberUse padding to add padding around the bubbles in the chart.
    Default Value: 1
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Bubble-pack
    NumberWhen `split-type` is set to "balancedV2", adjusts the treemap layout.
    Default Value: 4
    Chart types: Treemap
    paletteArray.<Array.<String>>, Array.<String>Defines a custom color palette to apply to chart. For wordcloud charts, the palette is applied to words when "color-type" is set to "palette". For treemap charts, palette is used when "aspect" is set to "palette". For scorecard charts, `palette` accepts string[][], where each string[] is a palette the scorecard bar and associated tooltip. (Ex. [[backgroundColor1, backgroundColor2, borderColor]]) For all other charts, `paletts` accepts a string[] (Array.,Array.>). For rankflow charts, color palette is used by items when "color-type" is set to "palette" (Array.). For depth charts, provide an array of two colors (HEX or RGB) to represent highest and lowest value, respectively (ex. ['#69f0ae', '#e040fb']) (Array.). For chord charts, palette is used by the items when "color-type" is set to "palette" (Array.). For calendar charts, provide an array of two colors (HEX or RGB) to represent negative and positive values, respectively (ex. ['#69f0ae', '#e040fb']) for calendar and scale indicator (Array.). For bubble pack charts, the first index is the background color for the overall bubble. The subsequent indices are for bubble colors (Array.).
    Chart types: Bubble-pack,Calendar,Chord,Depth,Flame,Rankflow,Scorecard,Sunburst,Tree-module,Treemap,Wordcloud
    positiveObjectAccepts styling attribute to style bars with positive values
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Waterfall
    progressionNumber, StringSets the progression applied to chart. For treemap charts, sets the mathematical progression used to calculate sizes of the treemap boxes ['lin', 'log']. For tree charts, sets the progression of the distance between layers (0 = equal distance, -1 = decreasing distance, 1 = increasing distance (Number).
    Accepted Values: ['lin', 'log']
    Default Value: 'lin'
    Chart types: Tree-module,Treemap
    radiusNumberSets the radius of the chord chart.
    Chart types: Chord
    NumberSets the reference angle for the radial trees.
    Default Value: 0
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    NumberDetermines the amount of magnetization between each node in a graph tree chart. To be used with attraction constant.
    Default Value: 1000
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    NumberDetermines the distance a node will be pushed when 'repulsed' by another node.
    Default Value: 20
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    rootStringSets data, specified by `series.id`, as the root of the chart. For sunburst charts, sets as the center of the chart. - For flame charts, sets as the base of the chart.
    Introduced in: v2.8.1
    Chart types: Flame,Sunburst
    rotateBooleanRotates every other word in the cloud by 90 degrees
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    Array.<String>Defines the labels for the grid rows. To display row labels, set `headerCol` to `true`.
    Chart types: Grid
    NumberForces the size of the spacing between flow rows. Larger values will create wider rows.
    Chart types: Rankflow
    rowsNumberSets how many rows the calendar is displayed as.
    Accepted Values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12]
    Default Value: 1
    Chart types: Calendar
    scaleObjectSets the scale of the chart.
    Chart types: Calendar
    ObjectSets the definition for the second y-scale (the one associated with the auto-generated line).
    Chart types: Pareto
    NumberForces the size of the spacing between the overall section and the flow section
    Default Value: 20
    Chart types: Rankflow
    ObjectSets styling for 'side 1' of the pyramid
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Population-pyramid
    ObjectSets the styling for 'side 2' of the pyramid
    Introduced in: v2.1.0
    Chart types: Population-pyramid
    NumberSets the size factor to apply to the chart. For tilemap charts, applies to the scales the map tiles (0 < sizeFactor < 1). For sunburst charts, applies to entire sunburst (relative to the maximum size given by the plotarea boundaries). For chord charts, applies to default chord size (0 < sizeFactor < 1 to decrease size, 1 < sizeFactor < 2 increases size).
    Default Value: 0.9
    Introduced in: v2.8.0
    Chart types: Chord,Sunburst,Tilemap
    sliceNumberSets the slice size (accepts numeric or percentages). For sunburst charts, applies to the radius of the sunburst center. For navpie charts, applies to the radius of the drilldown pie centers (value of `0` will be overwritten by default value of `0.3`). For donut navpie charts, applies to the radius of the donut hole.
    Default Value: 0
    Introduced in: v2.8.1
    Chart types: Nav Pie Chart,Sunburst
    sourceStringSets the attribute from the data source which will be used as the "source" for the items.
    Default Value: 'source'
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    spaceNumberSets the spacing between sunburst layers/rings.
    Default Value: 0
    Introduced in: v2.8.1
    Chart types: Sunburst
    StringSets the splitting algorithm that draws the treemap.
    Accepted Values: ['alternate', 'balanced', 'balancedV2', 'horizontal', 'random', 'squarify', 'squarifyV2', 'vertical']
    Default Value: 'balanced'
    Chart types: Treemap
    NumberDetermines the distance a link will be stretched when a node is repulsed by another.
    Default Value: 40
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    NumberSets the month that the calendar chart begins on. By default, the calendar will start in January. Provide a value between 1-12, with 1 indicating January and 12 indicating December.
    Default Value: 1
    Chart types: Calendar
    NumberCombined with stepRadius, controls the "spread" of the elements on a spiral starting from the center.
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    NumberCombined with stepAngle, controls the "spread" of the elements on a spiral starting from the center.
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    styleObjectSets styling options for the chart.
    Chart types: Chord,Grid,Rankflow,Wordcloud
    subtitleObjectTo style the subtitle, use the subtitle object. By default, the subtitle displays: "Mid Market Price". To change this, add a text attribute with your your new subtitle as its value.
    Default Value: {}
    Introduced in: v2.8.3
    Chart types: Depth
    StringSets the attribute from the data target which will be used as the "target" for the items.
    Default Value: 'target'
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    textStringWhen used, the string provided for the `text` attribute will be parsed and used to generate the word cloud. An alternative to `words`.
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    StringSets the attribute from the data source which will be used as the "text" for the items.
    Default Value: 'text'
    Chart types: Bubble-pack,Flame,Sunburst,Tree-module,Treemap
    StringSets the character used to separate thousands.
    Chart types: Treemap
    thresholdNumberSets the minimum percentage a value has to be before it's added to the grouped series.
    Default Value: '10%'
    Chart types: Nav Chart,Nav Pie Chart
    tileObjectStyles the individual map tiles.
    Introduced in: v2.8.0
    Chart types: Tilemap
    titleObjectSets the style of the title. For scorecard charts, applies to the title of the scorecard (ScTitle). For depth charts, applies to the default mid-market price title. Set `title.text` to update the title text (DepthTitle).
    Introduced in: v2.7.2
    Chart types: Depth,Scorecard
    tokenStringSets the basis for the analysis of the wordcloud
    Accepted Values: ['word', 'character']
    Default Value: 'word'
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    Objectsets the styling for the tooltip that appears over the final nodes (without children).
    Chart types: Treemap
    ObjectSets the styling for the tooltip that appears over the nodes that have at least one child.
    Chart types: Treemap
    triggerObjectStyles the trigger button which toggles the 3D toolbar.
    Introduced in: v2.6.0
    Chart types: 3D Toolbar
    typeStringSets the shape for each item in the map
    Accepted Values: ['hex', 'circle', 'square']
    Default Value: 'hex'
    Introduced in: v2.8.0
    Chart types: Tilemap
    valueObjectConfigures what and how the value of the scorecard displays.
    Introduced in: v2.7.2
    Chart types: Scorecard
    StringSets the attribute from the data source which will be used as the "value" for the items.
    Default Value: 'value'
    Chart types: Bubble-pack,Flame,Sunburst,Tree-module,Treemap
    valuesArray.<Array.<any>>Sets the calendar values. Enter them in the following format: values: [ ['YYYY-MM-DD', val1], ..., ['YYYY-MM-DD', valn] ]
    Default Value: []
    Chart types: Calendar
    violinObjectModifies the violin chart.
    Introduced in: v2.8.8
    Chart types: Violin
    weekObjectStyle week items by the week (1-54)
    Chart types: Calendar
    weekdayObjectStyles weekday items by the weekday (1-5)
    Chart types: Calendar
    BooleanDisables collapsible nodes
    Default Value: false
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    BooleanSets whether the size of the nodes will be considered when performing the logic for force directed graphs.
    Default Value: false
    Introduced in: v2.8.4
    Chart types: Tree-module
    widthsArray.<Number>Sets the individual widths of each band level.
    Introduced in: v2.9.4
    Chart types: Sunburst
    wordsArray.<Object>When used, create an object for each word, using the `text` and `count` attributes. An alternative to the `text` attribute.
    Chart types: Wordcloud
    xNumberSets the X position of the object.
    yNumberSets the Y position of the object.
    yearObjectUse the 'text' attribute on the 'year' object to set the calendar year.
    Chart types: Calendar