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  • Bubble Pack Charts

    Note: See our Bubble Chart Gallery for inspiration on all the different bubble pack chart possibilities.

    Bubble Pack Chart Types and Options

    ZingChart bubble pack charts (aka bubble clouds or packed circle charts) use the type attribute and the options object. In your chart object, add a type attribute and set the value to bubble-pack. Next, create an options object.

    Without further modification, here is how the default bubble pack chart appears:

    	type: 'bubble-pack',
    	plotarea: {
    	  margin: 10
    	series: chartData


    Provide your chart data in the series array. In the array, create an object and assign a value to the id, parent, name, value, and group attributes.

    id is the bubble id; parent specifies the parent bubble id; name is the name of the bubble; value is the numerical value of the bubble object being added; and group is specifies which group the bubble is placed in.

    series: [
      {id: 'theworld', parent: '', name: 'The World', group: ''},
      {id: 'denmark', parent: 'theworld', name: 'Denmark', value: 5733551, group: 'europe'},
      {id: 'finland', parent: 'theworld', name: 'Finland', value: 5523231, group: 'europe'},
      {id: 'norway', parent: 'theworld', name: 'Norway', value: 5305383, group: 'europe'},
      {id: 'someId', parent: 'someParentId', name: 'someName', value: someValue, group: 'someGroup'}

    Chart-Specific Properties

    You can use the options object to configure the bubble pack chart with format, groupFilter, maxItems, minSize, padding, and palette properties.


    Drilldown is enabled by default. Set the active attribute to false to disable bubble pack drilldown on click.

    type: 'bubble-pack',
    	options: {
    		active: false,


    Use containers to display multiple bubbles.

        type: 'bubble-pack',
        options: {
    			containers: {
    				europe: {
    					height: '50%',
    					width: '33%',
    					x: '0%',
    					y: '0%',
    					borderColor: 'red'


    The format object is used to configure how data is displayed inside of the bubbles. Within the format object, use these attributes to change the configuration: short, decimals, decimalsSeparator, and thousandsSeparator.

    Setting short: true writes the bubble values in shorthand; decimals specifies how many decimal places of the bubble value will be displayed; decimalsSeparator and thousandsSeparator specify the separator used for the decimal position and the thousands position.

    short: true Bubble Pack Chart

    	type: 'bubble-pack',
    	options: {
    	  format: {
    	    short: true,
    	    decimals: 1,
    	    decimalsSeparator: '.',
    	    thousandsSeparator: ','

    short: false Bubble Pack Chart

    	type: 'bubble-pack',
    	options: {
    	  format: {
    	    short: false,
    	    decimals: 1,
    	    decimalsSeparator: '.',
    	    thousandsSeparator: ','


    The groupFilter array lets you choose which groups to display on the chart. The data may contain multiple groups; just add the group names as comma separated strings inside the groupFilter array. You can also use groupFilter to filter out data you don't want displayed.

    groupFilter: ['southamerica', 'europe'] Bubble Pack Chart

    	type: 'bubble-pack',
    	options: {
    	  groupFilter: ['southamerica', 'europe'],
    	series: chartData

    groupFilter: ['europe'] Bubble Pack Chart

    Here is a bubble pack chart that uses groupFilter to only show European countries:

    	type: 'bubble-pack',
    	options: {
    	  groupFilter: ['europe']


    Use maxItems to display a maximum number of bubbles in a bubble pack group.

        type: 'bubble-pack',
        plotarea: {
          margin: 10
        options: {
          maxItems: 5


    Use minSize to display bubbles with a minimum pixel size.

        type: 'bubble-pack',
        plotarea: {
          margin: 10
        options: {
          padding: '2px',
          minSize: '30px'


    Use padding to add padding around the bubbles in the chart.

        type: 'bubble-pack',
        plotarea: {
          margin: 10
        options: {
          padding: '15px'


    The palette array will allow you to change the colors of the bubbles. The first index is the background color for the overall bubble. The subsequent indices are for colors of bubbles.

    options: {
    	palette: ['#ff5252', '#448aff', '#ffab40'],

    Further Customization

    Once you have your bubble-pack chart, you can customize and style the bubbles to fit your data visualization needs.

    Styling Attributes

    The following attributes can be used to style grid charts:

    Attribute Description
    bubble Defines the style for all bubbles
    bubble-id-n Defines the style for bubbles with id 'n'
    bubble-group-n Defines the style for bubbles in group 'n'
    bubble-level-n Defines the style for bubbles in level 'n'