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  • Flame Chart


    ZingChart flame charts use the type attribute. In your chart object, add a type attribute and set the value to flame.

      type: 'flame'


    There are some default user interactions you should know about flame charts.


    You can click on the chart to zoom in on any piece of the bar.

    Click + Drag

    You can click and drag to zoom in on the chart. You can click on a bar to zoom out.

    Click and drag demo


    To enter data into the flame chart, use the series array. Each object in the series array requires a name, value, or children array to function properly.

    Note: Learn more about the series array with our series JSON Configuration page.

      children: [
          name: 'genunix`syscall_mstate',
          value: 89
          children: [
              name: 'genunix`gethrtime_unscaled', 
              value: 4

    Further Customization

    You can also use the options object to style your chart.


    The palette attribute defines a custom palette for your flame chart. Provide a string of comma separated color, HEX, or RGB values.

      options: {
        palette: ['#ff9900']