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  • Interactive Maps

    Note: See our Maps Gallery for inspiration on all the different map possibilities.

    Load Maps Modules

    In addition to the core library, the maps modules must be explicitly loaded in order to render your map(s). Make sure to include the main maps module as well as each map by module name (e.g., maps-world-continents).

    zingchart.loadModules('maps, maps-world-continents', function(e) {
      zingchart.render ({
        id: 'myChart',
        data: {
          ... //Use the chart object to configure your map.
        height: '400px',
        width: '100%'

    Refer to the Maps List below for a full list of available maps by module name.

    Maps Type and Name

    ZingChart maps are comprised of ZingChart shapes. In the chart object, create a shapes array of objects. In the object, add a type property and set the value to 'zingchart.maps'. Next, create an options object. Add a name property, and set the value to the map name (e.g., world.continents).

    Note: Refer to the Maps List for a full list of available maps by map name.

      shapes: [
          type: 'zingchart.maps',
          options: {
            name: 'usa'

    Map-specific Properties

    Use the options object to configure the map and its items (countries in a world map, states in a country map, counties in a state map, and so on) with the following properties.


    Use the items array to include only the specified items in your map. With the exception of the world countries map (more below), provide the items to include as comma separated strings.

    Note: Use the getItems() method to reference the item names of a particular map.

      options: {
        name: 'usa_ca',
        items: ['SP', 'KE', 'SR', 'VE', 'LO', 'SB', 'OR', 'RI', 'SD', 'IM'],

    World Countries Only

    In lieu of the items array, use the groups array to include only the specified items in your map.

      options: {
        name: 'world.countries', // Note that the below property works with world.countries only.
        groups: ['NORTHAMERICA'],


    Use the ignore array to ignore the specified items in your map. Provide the items to ignore as comma separated strings.

    Note: Use the getItems() method to reference the item names of a particular map.

      options: {
        name: 'usa',
        ignore: ['AK', 'HI']

    Bounding Box

    Use the bbox array to overlay maps on top of other maps. Provide the coordinates as number values separated by commas.

    Note: Use the getItemInfo() method to obtain the bbox coordinates of a particular map item.

    Note: As of Build 2.6.0, this property does not work unless zooming, panning, and scrolling are disabled.

          name: 'usa',
          bbox: [-125.393, 42.998, -113.125, 31.536]


    By default, map scaling, where the normal aspect of the map is preserved, is automatically enabled. Use the scale property to enable (true) or disable (false) this setting.

          name: 'usa_ca',
          scale: false


    Use the zoom property to set the zoom level of the map at chart render. Provide an integer value.

    Note: Use the offsetX and offsetY properties to adjust the positioning.

      options: {
        zoom: 2,
        offsetX: -200,
        offsetY: -200,

    Zooming, Panning, Scrolling

    By default, map zooming, panning, and scrolling are automatically enabled. Use the zooming, panning and scrolling properties to enable (true) or disable (false) these settings.

      options: {
        zooming: false,
        panning: false,
        scrolling: false,

    To style the zoom controls, add a style object with a controls object inside. Use the placement property to place the zoom controls at the top-left ('tl'), top-right ('tr'), bottom-left ('bl'), or bottom-right ('br') corner of the map. The default is 'tl'.

      options: {
        style: {
          controls: {
            placement: 'tr', //tl (default), tr, bl, br
            visible: true,

    Further Customization

    Once you have your basic map, you can customize and style it to fit your data visualization needs.


    Maps use the following tokens:

    Token Description
    %data-_____ Format for custom tokens. Use the data- prefix to define the name, e.g., 'data-region', and the the %data- prefix to return the value, e.g., %data-region.Demo
    %long-text %text The full name of the map item.Demo
    %short-text The abbreviated name of the map item.Demo

    Note: Refer to the Tokens Tutorial for a full list of available tokens.


    Use the style object to style the map. You can style the map by item with the items object, as well group together items by region or category with the group property.

      options: {
        style: {
          items: {
            CT: {
              group: 1,
              backgroundColor: '#FFCDD2',
              hoverState: {
                backgroundColor: '#EF9A9A'

    You can style the map tooltips, labels, and hover states with the tooltip, label, and hoverState objects. Note that these objects can be applied at the global level in the style object or to specified items in the items object.

    {//shortened for brevity- click on following map demo to see full configuration
      options: {
        style: {
          label: {
            visible: false
          tooltip: {
            text: '%data-region:<br>%text',
            alpha: 0.7,
          items: {
            //Southern California:
            SP: {
              group: 2,
              hoverState: {
                backgroundColor: '#FFD54F'

    Adding Shapes

    Add shapes on top of a map to add interactive location points or points of interest. To hook a shape to your map, you must extend the shapes array with another object. Inside of that shape object, you must match the map attribute to the map id or map name attribute. The last necessary step is to define x/y coordinates suffixed with lon/lat.

    shapes: [
        type: 'zingchart.maps',
        options: {
          // id: 'custom_map_id', // optional id attribute
          name: 'usa',
      type: 'circle', // shapeid is OPTIONAL but smart if you are targeting events to this shape
      id: 'sd', // shapeid is OPTIONAL but smart if you are targeting events to this shape
      x: '-117.1611lon', // hook shape based on lon/lat
      y: '32.7157lat',   // hook shape based on lon/lat
      map: 'usa', // assigning to map name or id is necessary


    ZingChart maps are based on ZingChart shapes, which means you can use shape-related ZingChart events to extend the interactivity of your maps.


    This event fires when the user clicks on a shape. It executes a handler function that includes the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Represents the unique id assigned to the chart <div> element (e.g., 'myChart')
    shapeid String The name of the map item
    shapeindex Number The index number of the map item


    This event fires when the user double-clicks on a shape. It executes a handler function that includes the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Represents the unique id assigned to the chart <div> element (e.g., 'myChart')
    shapeid String The name of the map item
    shapeindex Number The index number of the map item


    This event fires whenever the user moves the mouse over a shape. It executes a handler function that includes the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Represents the unique id assigned to the chart <div> element (e.g., 'myChart')
    shapeid String The name of the map item
    shapeindex Number The index number of the map item


    This event fires when the user mouses out of a shape. It executes a handler function that includes the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Represents the unique id assigned to the chart <div> element (e.g., 'myChart')
    shapeid String The name of the map item
    shapeindex Number The index number of the map item


    This event fires when the user mouses over a shape. It executes a handler function that includes the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    id String Represents the unique id assigned to the chart <div> element (e.g., 'myChart')
    shapeid String The name of the map item
    shapeindex Number The index number of the map item


    ZingChart maps have their own custom methods. Use the maps property in the following format to access them:



    This method returns information about the map.


    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map


    This method returns a list of the map items.


    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map


    This method returns information about the specified map item.

    zingchart.maps.getItemInfo('mapName', 'itemName');

    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map
    itemName String The name of the map item


    This method returns the corresponding longitude and latitude coordinates of the specified x and y positions.

    zingchart.maps.getLonLat('mapName', [x, y]);

    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map
    [...] String An array that accepts two number values: the x and y positions, respectively


    This method returns the corresponding x and y positions of the specified longitude and latitude coordinates.

    zingchart.maps.getXY('mapName', [lon, lat]);

    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map
    [...] String An array that accepts two number values: the longitude and latitude coordinates, respectively


    This method allows you to create maps from outside GeoJSON files. It requires you to explicitly load the module: maps-geojson.


    It accepts an object with the following properties:

    Property Type Description
    id String The name of the custom map
    url String The map file source
    mappings Object Allows you to map property names from the GeoJSON file to ZingChart
    styling Object Allows you to style the map
    callback Function Represents the function that renders the map


    This method allows you to create maps from outside TopoJSON files. It requires you to explicitly load the module: maps-topojson.


    It accepts an object with the following properties:

    Property Type Description
    id String The name of the custom map
    url String The map file source
    mappings Object Allows you to map property names from the TopoJSON file to ZingChart
    styling Object Allows you to style the map
    callback Function Represents the function that renders the map


    This method allows you to view the entire map.


    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map


    This method allows you to zoom in on the map.


    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map


    This method allows you to zoom out on the map.


    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map


    This method allows you to zoom to a specified area on the map.

    Note: As of Build 2.6.0, this method does not work on Windows.

    zingchart.maps.zoomTo('mapName', {...});

    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map
    {...} Object

    An object that accepts the following properties:

    • zoom
    • offsetX
    • offsetY


    This method allows you to zoom to a specified item on the map.

    zingchart.maps.zoomToItem('mapName', 'itemName');

    It accepts the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Description
    mapName String The name of the map
    itemName String The name of the map item

    Maps List


    Here is the list of world maps, provided in alphabetical order:

    Map (moduleName | mapName)
    World Continents (maps-world-continents | world.continents) Demo
    World Countries (maps-world-countries | world.countries) Demo


    Here is the list of country maps, provided in alphabetical order:

    Map (moduleName | mapName)
    Afghanistan (maps-afg | afg) Demo
    Albania (maps-alb | alb) Demo
    Andorra (maps-and | and) Demo
    Angola (maps-ago | ago) Demo
    Argentina (maps-arg | arg) Demo
    Armenia (maps-arm | arm) Demo
    Australia (maps-aus | aus) Demo
    Austria (maps-aut | aut) Demo
    Azerbaijan (maps-aze | aze) Demo
    Belarus (maps-blr | blr) Demo
    Belgium (maps-bel | bel) Demo
    Benin (maps-ben | ben) Demo
    Bhutan (maps-btn | btn) Demo
    Bolivia (maps-bol | bol) Demo
    Bosnia (maps-bih | bih) Demo
    Botswana (maps-bwa | bwa) Demo
    Brazil (maps-bra | bra) Demo
    Brunei Darussalam (maps-brn | brn) Demo
    Bulgaria (maps-bgr | bgr) Demo
    Burkina Faso (maps-bfa | bfa) Demo
    Burundi (maps-bdi | bdi) Demo
    Cameroon (maps-cmr | cmr) Demo
    Canada (maps-can | can) Demo
    Central African Republic (maps-caf | caf) Demo
    Chile (maps-chl | chl) Demo
    China (maps-chn | chn) Demo
    Colombia (maps-col | col) Demo
    Congo (maps-cog | cog) Demo
    Costa Rica (maps-cri | cri) Demo
    Cote d'Ivoire (maps-civ | civ) Demo
    Croatia (maps-hrv | hrv) Demo
    Cuba (maps-cub | cub) Demo
    Cyprus (maps-cyp | cyp) Demo
    Czechia (maps-cze | cze) Demo
    Democratic Republic of the Congo (maps-cod | cod) Demo
    Denmark (maps-dnk | dnk) Demo
    Ecuador (maps-ecu | ecu) Demo
    Egypt (maps-egy | egy) Demo
    El Salvador (maps-slv | slv) Demo
    Estonia (maps-est | est) Demo
    Ethiopia (maps-eth | eth) Demo
    Finland (maps-fin | fin) Demo
    France by Region (maps-fra | fra) Demo
    France by Department (maps-fraL2 | fraL2) Demo
    French Guiana (maps-guf | guf) Demo
    Gabon (maps-gab | gab) Demo
    Gambia (maps-gmb | gmb) Demo
    Germany (maps-deu | deu) Demo
    Ghana (maps-gha | gha) Demo
    Greece (maps-grc | grc) Demo
    Guatemala (maps-gtm | gtm) Demo
    Guinea-Bissau (maps-gnb | gnb) Demo
    Guyana (maps-guy | guy) Demo
    Hungary (maps-hun | hun) Demo
    Iceland (maps-isl | isl) Demo
    India (maps-ind | ind) Demo
    Iran (maps-irn | irn) Demo
    Ireland (maps-irl | irl) Demo
    Israel (maps-isr | isr) Demo
    Italy (maps-ita | ita) Demo
    Japan (maps-jpn | jpn) Demo
    Kazakhstan (maps-kaz | kaz) Demo
    Kenya (maps-ken | ken) Demo
    Kuwait (maps-kwt | kwt) Demo
    Laos (maps-lao | lao) Demo
    Latvia (maps-lva | lva) Demo
    Liberia (maps-lbr | lbr) Demo
    Liechtenstein (maps-lie | lie) Demo
    Lithuania (maps-ltu | ltu) Demo
    Luxembourg (maps-lux | lux) Demo
    Macedonia (maps-mkd | mkd) Demo
    Malta (maps-mlt | mlt) Demo
    Morocco (maps-mar | mar) Demo
    Mexico (maps-mex | mex) Demo
    Moldova (maps-mda | mda) Demo
    Montenegro (maps-mne | mne) Demo
    Mozambique (maps-moz | moz) Demo
    Namibia (maps-nam | nam) Demo
    Netherlands (maps-nld | nld) Demo
    New Caledonia (maps-ncl | ncl) Demo
    New Zealand (maps-nzl | nzl) Demo
    Nigeria (maps-nga | nga) Demo
    Norway (maps-nor | nor) Demo
    Oman (maps-omn | omn) Demo
    Pakistan (maps-pak | pak) Demo
    Panama (maps-pan | pan) Demo
    Papua New Guinea (maps-png | png) Demo
    Peru (maps-per | per) Demo
    Philippines (maps-phl | phl) Demo
    Poland (maps-pol | pol) Demo
    Portugal (maps-prt | prt) Demo
    Qatar (maps-qat | qat) Demo
    Romania (maps-rou | rou) Demo
    Russia (maps-rus | rus) Demo
    Rwanda (maps-rwa | rwa) Demo
    Saudi Arabia (maps-sau | sau) Demo
    Senegal (maps-sen | sen) Demo
    Serbia (maps-srb | srb) Demo
    Slovakia (maps-svk | svk) Demo
    Slovenia (maps-svn | svn) Demo
    South Africa (maps-zaf | zaf) Demo
    South Korea (maps-kor | kor) Demo
    Spain by Autonomous Community (maps-esp | esp) Demo
    Spain by Province (maps-espL2 | espL2) Demo
    Suriname (maps-sur | sur) Demo
    Sweden (maps-swe | swe) Demo
    Switzerland (maps-che | che) Demo
    Taiwan (maps-twn | twn) Demo
    Tajikistan (maps-tjk | tjk) Demo
    Thailand (maps-tha | tha) Demo
    Tunisia (maps-tun | tun) Demo
    Turkey (maps-tur | tur) Demo
    Uganda (maps-uga | uga) Demo
    Ukraine (maps-ukr | ukr) Demo
    United Arab Emirates (maps-are | are) Demo
    United Kingdom by Country (maps-gbr | gbr) Demo
    United Kingdom by County (maps-gbrL2 | gbrL2) Demo
    United States of America (maps-usa | usa) Demo
    Uruguay (maps-ury | ury) Demo
    Uzbekistan (maps-uzb | uzb) Demo
    Venezuela (maps-ven | ven) Demo
    Vietnam (maps-vnm | vnm) Demo
    Yemen (maps-yem | yem) Demo
    Zambia (maps-zmb | zmb) Demo
    Zimbabwe (maps-zwe | zwe) Demo

    U.S. State

    Here is the list of U.S. state maps, provided in alphabetical order.

    Map (moduleName | mapName)
    Alabama (maps-usa_al | usa_al) Demo
    Alaska (maps-usa_ak | usa_ak) Demo
    Arizona (maps-usa_az | usa_az) Demo
    Arkansas (maps-usa_ar | usa_ar) Demo
    California (maps-usa_ca | usa_ca) Demo
    Colorado (maps-usa_co | usa_co) Demo
    Connecticut (maps-usa_ct | usa_ct) Demo
    Delaware (maps-usa_de | usa_de) Demo
    District of Columbia (maps-usa_dc | usa_dc) Demo
    Florida (maps-usa_fl | usa_fl) Demo
    Georgia (maps-usa_ga | usa_ga) Demo
    Hawaii (maps-usa_hi | usa_hi) Demo
    Idaho (maps-usa_id | usa_id) Demo
    Illinois (maps-usa_il | usa_il) Demo
    Indiana (maps-usa_in | usa_in) Demo
    Iowa (maps-usa_ia | usa_ia) Demo
    Kansas (maps-usa_ks | usa_ks) Demo
    Kentucky (maps-usa_ky | usa_ky) Demo
    Louisiana (maps-usa_la | usa_la) Demo
    Maine (maps-usa_me | usa_me) Demo
    Maryland (maps-usa_md | usa_md) Demo
    Massachusetts (maps-usa_ma | usa_ma) Demo
    Michigan (maps-usa_mi | usa_mi) Demo
    Minnesota (maps-usa_mn | usa_mn) Demo
    Mississippi (maps-usa_ms | usa_ms) Demo
    Missouri (maps-usa_mo | usa_mo) Demo
    Montana (maps-usa_mt | usa_mt) Demo
    Nebraska (maps-usa_ne | usa_ne) Demo
    Nevada (maps-usa_nv | usa_nv) Demo
    New Hampshire (maps-usa_nh | usa_nh) Demo
    New Jersey (maps-usa_nj | usa_nj) Demo
    New Mexico (maps-usa_nm | usa_nm) Demo
    New York (maps-usa_ny | usa_ny) Demo
    North Carolina (maps-usa_nc | usa_nc) Demo
    North Dakota (maps-usa_nd | usa_nd) Demo
    Ohio (maps-usa_oh | usa_oh) Demo
    Oklahoma (maps-usa_ok | usa_ok) Demo
    Oregon (maps-usa_or | usa_or) Demo
    Pennsylvania (maps-usa_pa | usa_pa) Demo
    Rhode Island (maps-usa_ri | usa_ri) Demo
    South Carolina (maps-usa_sc | usa_sc) Demo
    South Dakota (maps-usa_sd | usa_sd) Demo
    Tennessee (maps-usa_tn | usa_tn) Demo
    Texas (maps-usa_tx | usa_tx) Demo
    Utah (maps-usa_ut | usa_ut) Demo
    Vermont (maps-usa_vt | usa_vt) Demo
    Virginia (maps-usa_va | usa_va) Demo
    Washington (maps-usa_wa | usa_wa) Demo
    West Virginia (maps-usa_wv | usa_wv) Demo
    Wisconsin (maps-usa_wi | usa_wi) Demo
    Wyoming (maps-usa_wy | usa_wy) Demo