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  • Population Pyramid Charts


    Population pyramids can be modified to display as:

    • Vertical Bars
    • Horizontal Bars
    • Lines
    • Vertical Lines
    • Filled Lines (Area)
    • Vertical Filled Lines (Vertical Area)

    Note: See our Population Pyramid Gallery for inspiration on all the different population pyramid possibilities.

    Population Pyramid Chart Type

    In your chart object, add a type attribute and set the value to pop-pyramid.

      type: 'pop-pyramid',


    Population pyramids accept data in the form of a series object array.

    Data-Side and Values Array

    Create a series object array of length 2. Within each object, set the data-side attribute to either 1 (left side) or 2 (right side), with no repeated numbers. Set each side's values within the values array. Set the scale values within the scale-x object.

      type: 'pop-pyramid',
      scaleX: {
        values: [ '0-9', '10-19', '20-29', ...] // Array of strings or numbers
      series: [ // Length 2 array of objects
          dataSide: 1, // 1 || 2
          values: [val1, val2, ..., valN] // Array of numbers
          dataSide: 2,
          values: [val1, val2, ..., valN]

    Chart-Specific Properties

    Make chart-specific customizations and styling changes via the options object.


    The aspect of a population pyramid can be changed using the aspect attribute in the options object. The aspect value options for population pyramids are:

    Value Description
    hbar (default) Data is displayed as horizontal rectangular bars. Since it is the default aspect, specifying its type is optional.
    bar Data is displayed as vertical rectangular bars
    line Data is displayed as data points plotted on an x-y axis and connected by lines
    vline Data is displayed as data points plotted on a flipped x-y axis and connected by lines
    area Data is presented as connected data points on an x-y axis, with the region between data points and x-axis filled in
    varea Data is presented as connected data points on a flipped x-y axis, with the region between the line and x-axis filled in
      type: 'pop-pyramid',
      options: {
        aspect: 'bar' // | 'hbar' | 'line' | 'vline' | 'area' | 'varea'

    The following demo illustrates the different options available for population pyramids:


    Side Styling

    Within the options object, the side-1 and side-2 objects allow you to configure the various styling attributes and objects of each side of a population pyramid.

      options: {
        'side-1': {
          plotarea: {
            backgroundColor: '#D04347'
        'side-2': {
          plotarea: {
            backgroundColor: '#319CFC'

    Further Customization

    Once you have your basic chart, you can customize and style it to fit your data visualization needs.

    Legends/ Shared Legend

    Enable and style a legend for each side of the population pyramid by creating a legend object in your chart object.

    Setting shared: true in the legend object merges the legend items of the plot objects from both sides into a single, shared legend object. Omitting the shared attribute, or setting it to false, will keep the legend items from each side in their own legend objects.

    Note: Learn more about legends with our [Legend Tutorial] (https://www.zingchart.com/tutorials/elements/legend) and shared legends with our Shared Interactions Tutorial.

      legend: {
        shared: true // false

    Label Placement

    Scale labels can be placed in two places in a population pyramid. By default, labels are duplicated on both sides of a population pyramid ('label-placement': "side"). Setting 'label-placement': "middle" will place the labels between the two sides of the population pyramid.

    Note: Learn more about scale labels with our Scales Tutorial.

      type: 'pop-pyramid',
      options: {
        labelPlacement: 'middle'