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  • <zg-column>

    Interactive Storybook Playground

    ZingGrid has a predefined set of column types which have default behavior on render and edit. This behavior can be extended and modified. If you are not familiar with the <zg-column> tag, please refer to the column types guide.

    Image of the DOM relationship for the zg-column web component tag

    Related Web Components


    The ZGColumn attribute, type, is an extension of the ZingGrid library and are used to increase and alter column display, functionality, and editing.

    <zing-grid src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/users.json">
        <!-- default type is text -->
        <zg-column index="name"></zg-column>
        <!-- explicitly set text -->
        <zg-column type="text" index="job"></zg-column>
        <!-- set image column type -->
        <zg-column type="image" index="img" type-image-mask="circle" content-style="width:50px;height:50px;"></zg-column>
        <!-- set url column type -->
        <zg-column type="url" index="episode_link" type-url-icon="outsidearrow"></zg-column>


    The <zg-column> tag is used to associate the columns of the grid to the values in a dataset. Attributes on the tag are used to configure both the data type, style, and function of the grid column. It is possible to build grids without explicit <zg-column> tags; ZingGrid will add a column for each index in the dataset. However, developers are encouraged to explore the features available with <zg-column> to utilize the powerful features ZingGrid has to offer.

    Example Usage

    <zing-grid src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/user-roles.json">
      <zg-column index="firstName" header="First"></zg-column>

    Type Attribute Values

    Below is a list of the accepted values for the type attribute:

    CSS Variables

    No CSS variables are available for the <zg-column> tag.

    CSS Selector

    No CSS selectors are available for the <zg-column> tag.


    <zg-column> contains placeholders to allow adding markup inside the component.

    <zg-column>Slotted Content</zg-column>

    Below is a list of all the associated ZGColumn slots. Check out the full list of slots.