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  • <zg-data>

    Interactive Storybook Playground

    The <zg-data> tag is a web component that controls data associated to the grid. As an non-visual element, you should not apply style to this tag.

    Image of the DOM relationship for the zg-data web component tag

    Related Web Components


    A <zg-data> tag will always be implicitly used by the grid; when using top level data and src tags, a <zg-data> is created behind the scenes.

    <zing-grid src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/user-roles.json">

    The following markup is the same as the HTML above:

      <zg-data src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/user-roles.json"></zg-data>

    If you have a more complex use case that requires headers and arguments to be passed to the server containing your src, then <zg-data> and <zg-param>(s) will be used. <zg-data>should be employed and various configuration values set via the options attribute, or more appropriately, via <zg-param> tags nested within the tag.

          ZingGrid Star Wars Server Paging
          <span class="button" id="reloadBtn">Reload Demo</span>
          <!-- define the main source for the API -->
          <zg-param name="src" value="https://swapi.py4e.com/api/people/"></zg-param>
          <!-- define the path in the JSON to get the array of results. 
              In this case it is body.results -->
          <zg-param name="recordPath" value="results"></zg-param>
          <!-- if loadByPage is set to true it will go to the 
            server for each new page of data -->
          <zg-param name="loadByPage" value="true"></zg-param>
          <!-- define the "page" query parameter -->
          <zg-param name="pageKey" value="page"></zg-param>
          <!-- Need to tell ZG how many records were returned so it knows
              how to divide up the page-size -->
          <zg-param name="countPath" value="count"></zg-param>
          <!-- define the path in the result JSON to find next/prev urls -->
          <zg-param name="nextPath" value="next"></zg-param>
          <zg-param name="prevPath" value="previous"></zg-param>
          <zg-column index="name"></zg-column>
          <zg-column index="height"></zg-column>
          <zg-column index="mass"></zg-column>
          <zg-column index="hair_color"></zg-column>
          <zg-column index="eye_color"></zg-column>
          <zg-column index="skin_color"></zg-column>


    There are a couple attributes for <zg-data> that are used to create adapters, parameters and arguments when fetching your data source.

    Example Usage

      <zg-data src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/user-roles.json"></zg-data>

    CSS Variables

    There are no CSS variables available for the <zg-data> web component.

    CSS Selector

    As an non-visual element, you should not apply style to this tag.


    <zg-data> contains placeholders to allow adding markup inside the component.


    Below is a list of all the associated ZGData slots. Check out the full list of slots.