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  • <zg-input>

    Interactive Storybook Playground

    The <zg-input> tag is a web component that contains input fields with native ZingGrid-specific functionality.

    Image of the DOM relationship for the zg-input web component tag

    Related Web Components


    A <zg-input> tag can be set via the action attribute.

    <zing-grid src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/datasets/user-roles.json">
        <zg-input action="currpage"></zg-input>
        <zg-input value="hello world"></zg-input>


    There are a couple attributes to help position the <zg-input> element in the grid and align the text within the <zg-input>.

    CSS Variables

    <zg-input> can be styled with CSS variables, like so:

    :root {
      --zg-input-background: red;

    Below is a list of all the associated --zg-input CSS variables. Check out the full list of CSS variables or our Styling Basics guide to learn more about styling the grid.

    CSS Selector

    <zg-input> can be styled by common CSS selectors, like so:

    zg-input {
      background: red;

    CSS Shadow Parts

    <zg-input> exposed elements within the shadow can be styled by CSS shadow parts, like so:

    zg-input::part(input) {
      background-color: red;

    Below is a list of all the associated ZGInput shadow parts. Check out the full list of CSS shadow parts or our Styling Basics guide to learn more about styling the grid.


    <zg-input> contains placeholders to allow adding markup inside the component.

    <!-- Default slot -->
    <zg-input>Slotted Content</zg-input>
    <!-- Named slot -->
    <zg-input><span slot="input">Slotted Content</span></zg-input>

    Below is a list of all the associated ZGInput slots. Check out the full list of slots.