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  • Column Types

    By default, the data given to the grid is displayed in cells as text. However, the content might be a path to an image you want to display or a URL link you want to be clickable. Fortunately, ZingGrid comes with a large collection of pre-built column types that handles this for you.

    Adding Columns

    Adding a type attribute to a column renders the data in a pre-formatted pattern. You can use these to quickly render your content in common formats.

    You can add multiple data indexes to a single column, which will render the cell data separated by spaces. To change the separator, add separator to the column with the pattern you want to set. For example, to comma-separate the output, set the value to: <zg-column index="one, two" separator=",">


    Adding the aggregate type renders a column of aggregation values specified by typeAggregateValue. The aggregate value is calculated from the numbers

    Attribute Description
    type-aggregate-omit Precense of this attribute omits the column from aggregate calculations.
    type-aggregate-value Sets the token or aggregate method to use in an aggregate column.


    The boolean type renders a boolean value and uses a checkbox as an editor.



    Set the button type is render buttons in the column. Using the supporting attributes listed below to easily disable, add an icon and/or label, and handler to the button.

    Attribute Description
    type-button-disabled Sets button to be in a disabled state.
    type-button-handler Set to name of function to be called when button is clicked.
    type-button-icon Sets the icon in button.
    type-button-label Sets the label in button.
    type-button-url Set to url to open in new window when button is clicked.


    Set the the checkbox type creates a cell that can be toggled. A checkbox will display when you try to edit the cell.

    Attribute Description
    type-checkbox-label Sets the label next to the checkbox.


    Set the color type to render the preview of the color and display a color picker when editing the cell. The type-color-mode attribute configures the mode of the color picker.

    Attribute Description
    type-color-mode Sets the color mode to configure the color picker (HSL, RGBA, Hex).
    type-color-preview Set to false to disable the default color swatch UI preview.


    Set the currency type to format a number into a currency display. By default, the value is displayed in US Dollars. To display a different currency, set the locale and type-currency attributes. Learn more about ZingGrid's internationalization features here.

    locale and type-currency only formats the raw number value for display. It does not convert between currency values.

    Attribute Description
    locale Localization with the column type.
    type-currency Set which currency formatting to be used using the three letter code specified by ISO 4217 specification.
    type-number-decimals Indicates number of decimal places to display.
    type-number-max-decimals Indicates the maximum decimal places to display.
    type-number-min-decimals Indicates the minimum decimal places to display.


    Specifying the date type on a column assigns the date editor to the cells. This tells the grid how to validate the cell value when changed via the editor. The date type also can format dates or translate it to relative time.

    Attribute Description
    type-date-format Use tokenized formatting to format the date.
    type-date-fromNow Indicates if date from be displayed in relative time.


    Adding the duplicate type adds the duplicate buttons to duplicate the row.



    Adding the editor type adds row editor buttons to edit all cells within the row.



    Setting the element type renders the specified element that wraps around the cell content. This feature also extends to custom-elements, allowing you to easily render your own custom elements into the grid!

    Attribute Description
    content-style Sets a style attribute directly on the rendered element.
    content-width Sets the width of the content inside of the cell.
    type-element-attribute-name Sets the attribute of the custom-element defined in type-element-tag-name.
    type-element-tag-name Sets the tag to wrap the content.


    Setting the email type on the column renders the mailto link and tells the grid how to validate the cell value when changed.



    Setting the emoji type renders the codepoint to emojis. To additionally render shortcodes, use the type-emoji-shortcode attribute to specify a function to do so.

    Attribute Description
    type-emoji-shortcode Set to the name of function to convert shortcodes to emojis.


    Set the icon type to convert the cell data into a built-in grid <zg-icon name=""> element. By default, the value must match the name of a native grid icon or the name of a custom icon. You can read more about adding custom icons in the styling section.

    You can also set your grid to display icons per an approved icon library, such as Font Awesome. To do so, include the icon library source and then set the [icon-set="fontawesome"] attribute on your ZingGrid instance. Once the grid knows how to render the new icon (in FA's case, it renders an <i> instead of the native grid SVG icon), you can set the cell value to any valid icon name and it should render.

    Built-In Grid Icons

    The following list shows the built-in grid icons and how they are mapped internally. The last entry, fa-smile-wink, is not a built-in type and showcases how you can display any valid Font Awesome icon.



    Set the iframe type to display data (e.g., videos, maps, etc.) in an inline frame. You can set the alt attribute to assign an alternative text in case the iframe doesn't display. You can also add custom styles by setting the content-style attribute, which emulates the native style inline styling.

    Attribute Description
    contentStyle Sets a style attribute directly on the rendered element.
    contentWidth Sets the width of the content inside of the cell.
    typeIframeRatio Sets a square ratio instead of the default 16:9.


    Set the image type to apply the cell data as the <img src=""> 'src' value. You can set the type-image-alt attribute to assign alternative text if images are disabled by the device. You can also add the content-style attribute to add inline styles, which emulates the native style inline styling.

    Attribute Description
    content-style Sets a style attribute directly on the rendered element.
    content-width Sets the width of the content inside of the cell.
    type-image-alt Sets the alternative text.
    type-image-mask Sets the shape to mask the image.
    type-image-src Sets the src of the image.


    Specifying the number type on a column assigns the number editor to the cells. This tells the grid how to validate the cell value when changed via the editor. The number type by default formats the number as a thousand's separated string, but can also format the number as a decimal. This is the default type for any number cell value.

    Attribute Description
    type-number-decimals Indicates number of decimal places to display.
    type-number-formatting Set to "disabled" to turn off default number formatting.
    type-number-max-decimals Indicates the maximum decimal places to display.
    type-number-min-decimals Indicates the minimum decimal places to display.


    Enabling the password type hides the text behind asterisks (***).



    Enabling the percentage type renders the number as a percentage string value.

    Attribute Description
    type-number-decimals Indicates the number of decimal places to display in a percentage.
    type-number-max-decimals Indicates the maximum decimal places to display in a percentage.
    type-number-min-decimals Indicates the minimum decimal places to display in a percentage.


    Setting the radio type on a column assigns the radio editor to the cells. Specified radio options will displayed when you edit the cell.

    Attribute Description
    type-radio-options Adds rendered radio options to the cell.


    Specifying the range type on a column assigns the number editor to the cells. This tells the grid how to validate the cell value when changed via the editor. The number is formatted as a thousand's separated string value. Optionally, use the attributes below to set the minimum, maximum, and step when changing the values using the up/down keys.

    Attribute Description
    type-range-max Maximum value for the input box.
    type-range-min Minimum value for the input box.
    type-range-step Specifies the step value between each legal value for the input box.

    Record Duplicate

    The record-duplicate type adds record-duplicate buttons to duplicate the row.


    Record Key

    The record-key type appends a row



    Adding the remover type adds remover buttons to remove the row.


    Row Group

    The row-group type can be used two ways:

    1. Enables row grouping by adding the row group column type. The field indices to group by are determined by the [group] or [index] attributes.
    2. References the row group column type created by ZingGrid[groupBy] (an alternative way to enable row grouping).

    Row Number

    The row-number type renders a field to display the index of the row.



    When setting the select type, this creates the <select> element when editing the cell. You can then use the type-select-options attribute to set the dropdown options. Making a selection will set the cell data to that new value. Add the type-select-multiple attribute to display a multi-select <select> dropdown. Per the MDN specification, users must hold ctrl, cmd, or shift to select multiple options.

    Attribute Description
    type-select-default-value Sets the defaults value of a new record.
    type-select-multiple In edit mode, allows multiple selections.
    type-select-options Sets the options of the select box.


    Adding the selector type adds a column of checkboxes to enable selecting rows. With editing enabled, the selection of rows can be removed with one click.



    Setting the tel type assigns the [type="tel"] attribute of the editor's <input>.



    The text type is the default type for string values. This assigns a text editor to the cell.



    Enable toggling on a column by setting the toggle type. Add the type-toggle-options attribute to set the options for true/false.

    Attribute Description
    type-toggle-options Sets the list of options for the display.
    type-toggle-render-value Set to make the render and value the same to prevent the default true/false values.

    Slotted Content

    One of ZingGrid's most powerful features allows you to easily create custom columns with slotted content. This is a great way to customize individual columns and consolidate columns as well. Slotted content just means putting markup inside a <zg-column> tag. Inside that column, you have access to the index data through our templating system [[index.key]]. You also have access to all data through [[record.key]].

    In the example below, we've applied custom columns to the "Character" and "1st Episode" columns to style and render the information in a cleaner, more readable layout:

      <zg-column index="img" header=" " type="image" cell-class="profile-avatar" content-width="50px" sort="disabled"></zg-column>
      <zg-column index="name,actor" header="Character" cell-class="character-info">
        <span class="character-info--header"><strong>Name:</strong> [[index.name]]</span>
        <span class="character-info--subheader"><strong>Voice By:</strong> [[index.actor]]</span>
      <zg-column index="description" width="300"></zg-column>
      <zg-column header="1st Episode" index="episode_link" type="url" type-url-icon="outsidearrow" >


    Add a link by setting the url type. Then you can assign the text to click on by setting the attribute, type-url-text.

    Attribute Description
    content-style Sets a style attribute directly on the rendered element.
    content-width Sets the width of the content inside of the cell.
    type-url-icon Reference a ZGIcon within library to replace the link text with specified icon.
    type-url-src Sets the src for the link.
    type-url-target Sets the a[target] value of the url.
    type-url-text Sets the text displayed for the link.

    Custom type

    If none of these column types meet your needs, you can set the custom type and create a column that works for you.

    Custom Columns Grid
